月度归档: 2022 年 12 月

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|COMP30027

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机器学习是一个致力于理解和建立 “学习 “方法的研究领域,也就是说,利用数据来提高某些任务的性能的方法。机器学习算法基于样本数据(称为训练数据)建立模型,以便在没有明确编程的情况下做出预测或决定。机器学习算法被广泛用于各种应用,如医学、电子邮件过滤、语音识别和计算机视觉,在这些应用中,开发传统算法来执行所需任务是困难的或不可行的。

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我们提供的机器学习 machine learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
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计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|COMP30027

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|The Nontrivial Growth Rates

In classical large- $n$ only asymptotic statistics, laws of large numbers demand a scaling by $1 / n$ of the summed observations. When centered, central limit theorems then occur after multiplication of the average by $\sqrt{n}$. A similar requirement is needed when we now consider that the dimension $p$ of the data is also large. In particular, we will demand that the norm of each observation remains bounded. Assuming $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^p$ is a vector of bounded entries, that is, each of order $O(1)$ with respect to $p$, the natural normalization is typically $\mathbf{x} / \sqrt{p}$.

In the context of kernel methods, for data $\mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n$, one wishes that the argument of $f(\cdot)$ in the inner-product kernel $f\left(\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ or the distance kernel $f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ be of order $O(1)$, when $f$ is assumed independent of $p$.

The “correct” scaling however appears not to be so immediate. Letting $\mathbf{x}i$ have entries of order $O(1)$, one naturally has that $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2=\left|\mathbf{x}_i\right|^2+\left|\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2-2 \mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j=$ $O(p)$ and it thus appears natural to scale $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2$ by $1 / p$. Similarly, if the norm of the mean $\left|\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i\right]\right|$ of $\mathbf{x}_i$ has the same order of magnitude as $\left|\mathbf{x}_i\right|$ itself (as it should in general), then for $\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j$ independent, $\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right]=O(p)$. So again, one should scale the inner-product also by $1 / p$, to obtain kernel matrices of the type $$ \mathbf{K}=\left{f\left(\frac{1}{p}\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n, \text { and }\left{f\left(\frac{1}{p} \mathbf{x}i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n
Section $4.2$ (and most applications thereafter) will be placed under these kernel forms. The most commonly used Gaussian kernel matrix, defined as $\mathbf{K}=\left{\exp \left(-| \mathbf{x}i-\right.\right.$ $\left.\left.\mathbf{x}_j |^2 / 2 \sigma^2\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n$, falls into this family as one usually demands that $\sigma^2 \sim \mathbb{E}\left[\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right]$ (to avoid evaluating the exponential close to zero or infinity).

However, as already demonstrated in Section 1.1.3, if $n$ scales like $p$, then, for the classification problem to be asymptotically nontrivial, the difference $\left|\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i\right]-\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_j\right]\right|^2$ needs to scale like $O(1)$ rather than $O(p)$ (otherwise data classes would be too easy to cluster for all large $n, p$ ), resulting in $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2 / p$ possibly converging to a constant value irrespective of the data classes (of $\mathbf{x}_i$ and $\mathbf{x}_j$ ), with a typical “spread” of order $O(1 / \sqrt{p})$. Similarly, up to re-centering, ${ }^2 \mathbf{x}i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j / p$ scales like $O(1 / \sqrt{p})$ rather than $O(1)$. As such, it seems more appropriate to normalize the kernel matrix entries as $$ [\mathbf{K}]{i j}=f\left(\frac{\left|\mathbf{x}i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2}{\sqrt{p}}-\frac{1}{n(n-1)} \sum{i^{\prime}, j^{\prime}} \frac{\left|\mathbf{x}{i^{\prime}}-\mathbf{x}{j^{\prime}}\right|^2}{\sqrt{p}}\right), \text { or }[\mathbf{K}]_{i j}=f\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{p}} \mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)
in order here to avoid evaluating $f$ essentially at a single value (equal to zero for the inner-product kernel or equal to the average “common” limiting intra-data distance for the distance kernel).

This “properly scaling” setting is in fact much richer than the $1 / p$ normalization when $n, p$ are of the same order of magnitude. Sections $4.2 .4$ and $4.3$ elaborate on this scenario.

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Statistical Data Model

In the remainder of the section, we assume the observation of $n$ independent data vectors from a total of $k$ classes gathered as $\mathbf{X}=\left[\mathbf{x}1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times n}$, where $$ \begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}{n_1} & \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_1, \mathbf{C}1\right) \ \vdots & \vdots \ \mathbf{x}{n-n_k+1}, \ldots, \mathbf{x}n \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_k, \mathbf{C}_k\right), \end{array} $$ which is a $k$-class Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with a fixed cardinality $n_1, \ldots, n_k$ in each class. ${ }^3$ The fact that the data are indexed according to classes simplifies the notation but has no practical consequence in the analysis. We will denote $\mathcal{C}_a$ the class number ” $a$,” so in particular $$ \mathbf{x}_i \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_a, \mathbf{C}_a\right) \Leftrightarrow \mathbf{x}_i \in \mathcal{C}_a $$ for $a \in{1, \ldots, k}$, and will use for convenience the matrix $$ \mathbf{J}=\left[\mathbf{j}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{j}_k\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times k}, \quad \mathbf{j}_a=[\underbrace{0, \ldots, 0}{n_1+\ldots+n_{a-1}}, \underbrace{1, \ldots, 1}{n_a}, \underbrace{0, \ldots, 0}{n_{a+1}+\ldots+n_k}]^{\top},
which is the indicator matrix of the class labels $(\mathbf{J}$ is a priori known under a supervised learning setting and is to be fully or partially recovered under a semi-supervised or unsupervised learning setting).

We shall systematically make the following simplifying growth rate assumption for $p, n$ and $n_1, \ldots, n_k$.

Assumption 1 (Growth rate of data size and number). As $n \rightarrow \infty, p / n \rightarrow c \in(0, \infty)$ and $n_a / n \rightarrow c_a \in(0,1)$.

This assumption, in particular, implies that each class is “large” in the sense that their cardinalities increase with $n^4$

Accordingly with the discussions in Chapter 2, from a random matrix “universality” perspective, the Gaussian mixture assumption will often (yet not always) turn out equivalent to demanding that
\mathbf{x}_i \in \mathcal{C}_a: \mathbf{x}_i=\mu_a+\mathbf{C}_a^{\frac{1}{2}} \mathbf{z}_i
with $\mathbf{z}_i \in \mathbb{R}^p$ a random vector with i.i.d. entries of zero mean, unit variance, and bounded higher-order (e.g., fourth) moments.

This hypothesis is indeed quite restrictive as it imposes that the data, up to centering and linear scaling, are composed of i.i.d. entries. Equivalently, this suggests that only data which result from affine transformations of vectors with i.i.d. entries can be studied, which is quite restrictive in practice as “real data” are deemed much more complex.

Exploring the notion of concentrated random vectors introduced in Section 2.7, Chapter 8 will open up this discussion by showing that a much larger class of (statistical) data models embrace the same asymptotic statistics, and that most results discussed in the present section apply identically to broader models of data irreducible to vectors of independent entries.

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|COMP30027


计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|The Nontrivial Growth Rates

在经典大 $n$ 只有渐近统计,大数定律要求按比例缩放 $1 / n$ 总结的意见。当居中时,中心极限定理然后出现 在平均值乘以 $\sqrt{n}$. 当我们现在考虑维度时,需要类似的要求 $p$ 数据量也很大。特别是,我们将要求每个 观察的范数保持有界。假设 $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^p$ 是有界条目的向量,即每个顺序 $O(1)$ 关于 $p$ ,自然归一化通常是 $\mathbf{x} / \sqrt{p}$
在内核方法的上下文中,对于数据 $\mathbf{x}1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n$ , 人们㹷望 $f(\cdot)$ 在内积内核中 $f\left(\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ 或距离内核 $f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ 有秩序 $O(1)$ , 什么时候 $f$ 假设独立于 $p$. 然而, “正确”的缩放比例似乎并不是那么直接。出租 $\mathbf{x} i$ 有订单条目 $O(1)$ ,自然有 $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2=\left|\mathbf{x}_i\right|^2+\left|\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2-2 \mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j=O(p)$ 因此它看起来很自然 $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2$ 经过 $1 / p$. 同样,如 果均值范数 $\left|\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i\right]\right|$ 的 $\mathbf{x}_i$ 具有相同的数量级 $\left|\mathbf{x}_i\right|$ 本身(通常应该如此),然后对于 $\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j$ 独立的, $\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right]=O(p)$. 因此,同样,也应该通过以下方式缩放内积 $1 / p$ , 以获得类型的内核矩阵 部分 $4.2$ (以及此后的大多数应用程序) 将置于这些内核形式下。最常用的高斯核矩阵,定义为 ,属于这个家庭,因为人们通常要求 $\sigma^2 \sim \mathbb{E}\left[\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right]$ (以避免评估接近零或无穷大的指数)。 然而,正如第 $1.1 .3$ 节中所展示的,如果 $n$ 天平像 $p$ ,那么,对于渐进非平凡的分类问题,差分 $\left|\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_i\right]-\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbf{x}_j\right]\right|^2$ 需要像这样扩展 $O(1)$ 而不是 $O(p)$ (否则数据类对于所有大型 $n, p$ ),导致 $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2 / p$ 可能收玫到一个常数值,而不管数据类 (的 $\mathbf{x}_i$ 和 $\mathbf{x}_j$ ),具有典型的订单“价差” $O(1 / \sqrt{p})$. 同 样,直到重新居中, ${ }^2 \mathbf{x} i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j / p$ 天平像 $O(1 / \sqrt{p})$ 而不是 $O(1)$. 因此,将内核矩阵条目归一化似乎更合 适 $$ [\mathbf{K}] i j=f\left(\frac{\left|\mathbf{x} i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2}{\sqrt{p}}-\frac{1}{n(n-1)} \sum i^{\prime}, j^{\prime} \frac{\left|\mathbf{x} i^{\prime}-\mathbf{x} j^{\prime}\right|^2}{\sqrt{p}}\right), \text { or }[\mathbf{K}]{i j}=f\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{p}} \mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)
为了避免在这里评估 $f$ 基本上是一个单一的值(对于内积内核等于零或对于距离内核等于平均”公共”限制 数据内距离)。
这种”适当缩放”的设置实际上比 $1 / p |$ 归一化时 $n, p$ 是同一个数量级。部分 $4.2 .4$ 和 $4.3$ 详细说明这个场景。

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Statistical Data Model

在本节的其余部分,我们假设观察到 $n$ 来自总共的独立数据向量 $k$ 班级聚集为 $\mathbf{X}=\left[\mathbf{x} 1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}n\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times n}$ , 在哪里 $$ \mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x} n_1 \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_1, \mathbf{C} 1\right) \vdots \vdots \mathbf{x} n-n_k+1, \ldots, \mathbf{x} n \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_k, \mathbf{C}_k\right), $$ 这是一个 $k$ 具有固定基数的类高斯混合模型 (GMM) $n_1, \ldots, n_k$ 在每个班级。 ${ }^3$ 数据按类索引的事实简 化了符号,但在分析中没有实际影响。我们将表示 $\mathcal{C}_a$ 班级号” $a$ “,所以特别是 $$ \mathbf{x}_i \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu_a, \mathbf{C}_a\right) \Leftrightarrow \mathbf{x}_i \in \mathcal{C}_a $$ 为了 $a \in 1, \ldots, k$, 并且为了方便起见将使用矩阵 $$ \mathbf{J}=\left[\mathbf{j}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{j}_k\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times k}, \quad \mathbf{j}_a=[\underbrace{0, \ldots, 0} n_1+\ldots+n{a-1}, \underbrace{1, \ldots, 1} n_a, \underbrace{0, \ldots, 0} n_{a+1}+\ldots+n_k]
这是类标签的指标矩阵 $(\mathbf{J}$ 在监督学习环境下是先验已知的,并且在半监督或无监督学习环境下将完全或 部分恢复)。
我们将系统地做出以下简化的增长率假设 $p, n$ 和 $n_1, \ldots, n_k$.
假设 1 (数据大小和数量的增长率) 。作为 $n \rightarrow \infty, p / n \rightarrow c \in(0, \infty)$ 和 $n_a / n \rightarrow c_a \in(0,1)$.
这个假设特别意味着每个类都是“大的”,因为它们的基数随着 $n^4$
根据第 2 章的讨论,从随机矩阵“普遍性”的角度来看,高斯混合假设通常 (但不总是) 等同于要求
\mathbf{x}_i \in \mathcal{C}_a: \mathbf{x}_i=\mu_a+\mathbf{C}_a^{\frac{1}{2}} \mathbf{z}_i
和 $\mathbf{z}_i \in \mathbb{R}^p$ 具有零均值、单位方差和有界高阶(例如四阶)矩的独立同分布条目的随机向量。
这个假设确实非常严格,因为它强加了数据,直到居中和线性缩放,由 iid 条目组成。等价地,这表明只 能研究由具有 iid 条目的向量的仿射变换产生的数据,这在实践中是相当受限的,因为“真实数据”被认为 要复杂得多。
探索第 $2.7$ 节中介绍的集中随机向量的概念,第 8 章将通过展示更大类的(统计)数据模型包含相同的 渐近统计来展开这一讨论,并且本节中讨论的大多数结果同样适用于更广泛的数据模型不能简化为独立 条目的向量。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|COMP5318

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机器学习是一个致力于理解和建立 “学习 “方法的研究领域,也就是说,利用数据来提高某些任务的性能的方法。机器学习算法基于样本数据(称为训练数据)建立模型,以便在没有明确编程的情况下做出预测或决定。机器学习算法被广泛用于各种应用,如医学、电子邮件过滤、语音识别和计算机视觉,在这些应用中,开发传统算法来执行所需任务是困难的或不可行的。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写机器学习 machine learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写机器学习 machine learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写机器学习 machine learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的机器学习 machine learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础
计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|COMP5318

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Kernel Methods

In a broad sense, kernel methods are at the core of many, if not most, machine learning algorithms [Schölkopf and Smola, 2018]. Given a set of data $\mathbf{x}1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n \in \mathbb{R}^p$, most learning mechanisms rely on extracting the structural data information from direct or indirect pairwise comparisons $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ for some affinity metric $\kappa(\cdot, \cdot)$. Gathered in an $n \times n$ matrix $$ \mathbf{K}=\left{\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n
the “cumulative” effect of these comparisons for numerous $(n \gg 1)$ data is at the source of various supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised methods such as support vector machines, graph Laplacian-based learning, kernel spectral clustering, and has deep connections to neural networks.

These applications will be thoroughly discussed in Section 4.4. For the moment though, our main interest lies in the spectral characterization of the kernel matrix $\mathbf{K}$ itself for various (classical) choices of affinity functions $\kappa$ and for various statistical models of the data $\mathbf{x}_i$

Clearly, from a purely machine learning perspective, the choice of the affinity function $\kappa(\cdot, \cdot)$ is central to a good performance of the learning method under study. Since real data in general have highly complex structures, a typical viewpoint is to assume that the data points $\mathbf{x}_i$ and $\mathbf{x}_j$ are not directly comparable in their ambient space but that there exists a convenient feature extraction function $\phi: \mathbb{R}^p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^q(q \in \mathbb{N} \cup{+\infty})$ such that $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)$ and $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$ are more amenable to comparison. Otherwise stated, in the image of $\phi(\cdot)$, the data are more “linear” (or more “linearly separable” if one seeks to group the data in affinity classes). The simplest affinity function between $\mathbf{x}_i$ and $\mathbf{x}_j$ would in this case be $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)=\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$

Since $q$ may be larger (if not much larger) than $p$, the mere cost of evaluating $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$ can be deleterious to practical implementation. The so-called kernel trick is anchored in the remark that, for a certain class of such functions $\phi, \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)=$ $f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ or $-f\left(\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ for some function $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and it thus suffices to evaluate $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2$ or $\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j$ in the ambient space and then apply $f$ in an entrywise manner to evaluate all data affinities, leading to more practically convenient methods.

Although the class of such functions $f$ is inherently restricted by the need for a mapping $\phi$ to exist such that, say, $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)=f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ for all possible $\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j$ pairs (these are sometimes called Mercer kernel functions), ${ }^1$ with time, practitioners have started to use arbitrary functions $f$ and worked with generic kernel matrices of the form
\mathbf{K}=\left{f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n, \quad \text { or } \quad \mathbf{K}=\left{f\left(\mathbf{x}i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)\right}{i, j=1}^n,
irrespective of the actual form or even the existence of an underlying feature extraction function $\phi$. There are, in particular, empirical evidences showing that well-chosen “indefinite” (i.e., nonMercer type) kernels, being not associated with a mapping $\phi$, can sometimes outperform conventional nonnegative definite kernels that satisfy the Mercer’s condition [Haasdonk, 2005, Luss and D’Aspremont, 2008].

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Basic Setting

As pointed out in Remark $4.1$ and shall become evident from the coming analysis, the small-dimensional intuition according to which $f$ should be a nonincreasing “valid” Mercer function becomes rather meaningless when dealing with large-dimensional data, essentially due to the “curse of dimensionality” and the concentration phenomenon in high dimensions.

To fully capture this aspect, a first important consideration is, as already mentioned in Section 1.1.3, to deal with “nontrivial” relative growth rates of the statistical data parameters with respect to the dimensions $p, n$. By nontrivial, we mean that the underlying classification or regression problem for which the kernel method is designed should neither be impossible nor trivially easy to solve as $p, n \rightarrow \infty$. The reason behind this request is fundamental, and also disrupts from many research works in machine learning which, instead, seek to prove that the method under study performs perfectly in the limit of large $n$ (with $p$ fixed in general): Here, we rather wish to account for the fact that, at finite but large $p, n$, the machine learning methods of practical interest are those which have nontrivial performances; thus, in what follows, ” $n, p \rightarrow \infty$ in nontrivial growth rates” should really be understood as ” $n, p$ are both large and the problem at hand is non-trivially easy or hard to solve.”

In this section, we will mostly focus on the use of kernel methods for classification, and thus the nontrivial settings are given in terms of the growth rate of the “distance” between (the statistics of) data classes. It will particularly appear that the very definition of the appropriate growth rates to ensure the nontrivial character of a machine learning problem to be solved through kernel methods depends on the kernel design itself, and that flagship kernels such as the Gaussian kernel $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)=\exp \left(-\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2 / 2 \sigma^2\right)$ are in general quite suboptimal.

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计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Kernel Methods

从广义上讲,内核方法是许多 (如果不是大多数) 机器学习算法的核心 [Schölkopf 和 Smola, 2018 年]。给定一组数据 $\mathbf{x} 1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n \in \mathbb{R}^p$ ,大多数学习机制依赖于从直接或间接的成对比较中提取结构数 据信息 $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ 对于一些亲和力指标 $\kappa(\cdot, \cdot)$. 聚集在一个 $n \times n$ 矩阵
这些比较的㽧积”效应对许多 $(n \gg 1)$ 数据是各种监督、半监督或无监督方法的来源,例如支持向量 机、基于图拉普拉斯算子的学习、核谱聚类,并且与神经网络有看深厚的联系。
这些应用程序将在第 $4.4$ 节中详细讨论。不过目前,我们的主要兴趣在于核矩阵的光谱特征KK本身用于 亲和函数的各种(经典)选择 $\kappa$ 以及数据的各种统计模型 $\mathbf{x}_i$
显然,从纯机器学习的角度来看,亲和函数的选择 $\kappa(\cdot, \cdot)$ 是所研究学习方法良好表现的核心。由于真实 数据通常具有高度复杂的结构,一个典型的观点是假设数据点 $\mathbf{x}_i$ 和 $\mathbf{x}_j$ 在它们的环境空间中不能直接比 较,但是存在一个方便的特征提取函数 $\phi: \mathbb{R}^p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^q(q \in \mathbb{N} \cup+\infty)$ 这样 $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)$ 和 $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$ 更适合比 较。另有说明,在图片中 $\phi(\cdot)$ ,数据更 线性”(或者如果试图将数据分组到亲和类中,则数据更“线性可 分”) 。之间最简单的亲和函数 $\mathbf{x}_i$ 和 $\mathbf{x}_j$ 在这种情况下会是 $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)=\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$
自从 $q$ 可能比 $p$, 单纯的评估成本 $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)$ 可能不利于实际实施。所谓的内核技巧是基于这样的评 论,对于某一类这样的函数 $\phi, \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)=f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ 要么 $-f\left(\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j\right)$ 对于某些功能 $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ 因此足以评估 $\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2$ 要么 $\mathbf{x}_i^{\top} \mathbf{x}_j$ 在环境空间中,然后应用 $f$ 以入方式评估所有数据亲 和力,从而导致更实用的方法。
虽然此类函数 $f$ 本质上受到映射需求的限制 $\phi$ 存在这样的,说, $\phi\left(\mathbf{x}_i\right)^{\top} \phi\left(\mathbf{x}_j\right)=f\left(\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2\right)$ 对于 所有可能的 $\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j$ 对(这些有时称为 Mercer 核函数), 1 随着时间的推移,从业者开始使用任意函数 $f$ 并使用形式的通用内核矩阵
无论实际形式如何,甚至不考虑底层特征提取函数的存在 $\phi$. 特别是,有经验证据表明,精心挑选的“不确 定” (即非 Mercer 类型) 内核与映射无关 $\phi$ ,有时可以胜过满足 Mercer 条件的传统非负定核 [Haasdonk, 2005, Luss and D’Aspremont, 2008]。

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Basic Setting

正如备注中指出的 $4.1$ 并且将从接下来的分析中变得明显,小维度的直觉根据它 $f$ 应该是一个非递增的“有 效”Mercer函数在处理大维数据时变得毫无意义,本质上是由于”维数灾难”和高维集中现象。
为了充分把握这一方面,第一个重要的考虑因素是,如第 $1.1 .3$ 节所述,处理统计数据参数相对于维度的 “非平凡”相对增长率 $p, n$. 非平凡的意思是,设计核方法所针对的基础分类或回归问题既不应该是不可能 的,也不应该很容易解决,因为 $p, n \rightarrow \infty$. 这一要求背后的原因是根本性的,并且与机器学习中的许多 研究工作不同,这些研究工作相反,试图证明所研究的方法在大的限制下完美执行 $n$ (和 $p$ 一般固定): 在这里,我们宁愿考虑这样一个事实,即在有限但大的情况下 $p, n$ ,具有实际意义的机器学习方法是那 些具有非凡性能的方法;因此,在接下来的内容中, “ $n, p \rightarrow \infty$ 以非平凡的增长率”应该真正理解为” $n, p$ 两者都很大,手头的问题非常容易或难以解决。”
在本节中,我们将主要关注使用核方法进行分类,因此根据数据类别(统计数据)之间“距离“的增长率给 出了重要的设置。特别是,为了确保通过内核方法解决的机器学习问题的非平凡特性,适当增长率的定 义取决于内核设计本身,而高斯内核等旗舰内核 $\kappa\left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j\right)=\exp \left(-\left|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j\right|^2 / 2 \sigma^2\right)$ 通常是次优的。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Hexagonal Lattice, Nearest Neighbors

Here I dive into the details of the processes discussed in Section 1.5.3. I also discuss Figure 2. The source code to produce Figure 2 is discussed in Sections $6.4$ (nearest neighbor graph) and $6.7$ (visualizations). Some elements of graph theory are discussed here, as well as visualization techniques.

Surprisingly, it is possible to produce a point process with a regular hexagonal lattice space using simple operations on a small number $(m=4)$ of square lattices: superimposition, stretching, and shifting. A stretched lattice is a square lattice turned into a rectangular lattice, by applying a multiplication factor to the $\mathrm{X}$ and/or Y coordinates. A shifted lattice is a lattice where the grid points have been shifted via a translation.

Each point of the process almost surely (with probability one) has exactly one nearest neighbor. However, when the scaling factor $s$ is zero, this is no longer true. On the left plot in Figure 2, each point (also called vertex when $s=0$ ) has exactly 3 nearest neighbors. This causes some challenges when plotting the case $s=0$. The case $s>0$ is easier to plot, using arrows pointing from any point to its unique nearest neighbor. I produced the arrows in question with the arrow function in R, see source code in Section $6.7$, and online documentation here. $\mathrm{A}$ bidirectional arrow between points $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathrm{B}$ means that $\mathrm{B}$ is a nearest neighbor of $\mathrm{A}$, and $\mathrm{A}$ is a nearest neighbor of B. All arrows on the left plot in Figure 2 are bidirectional. Boundary effects are easily noticeable, as some arrows point to nearest neighbors outside the window. Four colors are used for the points, corresponding to the 4 shifted stretched Poisson-binomial processes used to generate the hexagon-based process. The color indicates which of these 4 process, a point is attached to.

The source code in Section $6.4$ handles points with multiple nearest neighbors. It produces a list of all points with their nearest neighbors, using a hash table. A point with 3 nearest neighbors has 3 entries in that list: one for each nearest neighbor. A group of points that are all connected by arrows, is called a connected component [Wiki]. A path from a point of a connected component to another point of the same connected component, following arrows while ignoring their direction, is called a path in graph theory.

In my definition of connected component, the direction of the arrow does not matter: the underlying graph is considered undirected [Wiki]. An interesting problem is to study the size distribution, that is, the number of points per connected component, especially for standard Poisson processes. See Exercise 20. In graph theory, a point is called a vertex or node, and an arrow is called an edge. More about nearest neighbors is discussed in Exercises 18 and 19.

Finally, if you look at Figure 2, the left plot seems to have more points than the right plot. But they actually have roughly the same number of points. The plot on the right seems to be more sparse, because there are large areas with no points. But to compensate, there are areas where several points are in close proximity.

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Modeling Cluster Systems in Two Dimensions

There are various ways to create points scattered around a center. When multiple centers are involved, we get a cluster structure. The point process consisting of the centers is called the parent process, while the point distribution around each center, is called the child process. So we are dealing with a two-layer, or hierarchical structure, referred to as a cluster point process. Besides clustering, many other types of point process operations [Wiki] are possible when combining two processes, such as thinning or superimposition. Typical examples of cluster point processes include Neyma-Scott (see here) and Matérn (see here).

Useful references include Baddeley’s textbook “Spatial Point Processes and their Applications” [4] available online here, Sigman’s course material (Columbia University) on one-dimensional renewal processes for beginners, entitled “Notes on the Poisson Process” [71], available online here, Last and Kenrose’s book “Lectures on the Poisson Process” [52], and Cressie’s comprehensive 900-page book “Statistics for Spatial Data” [16]. Cluster point processes are part of a larger field known as spatial statistics, encompassing other techniques such as geostatistics, kriging and tessellations. For lattice-based processes known as perturbed lattice point processes, more closely related to the theme of this textbook (lattice processes), and also more recent with applications to cellular networks, see the following references:

  • “On Comparison of Clustering Properties of Point Processes” [12]. Online PDF here.
  • “Clustering and percolation of point processes” [11]. Online version here.
  • “Clustering comparison of point processes, applications to random geometric models” [13]. Online version here.
  • “Stochastic Geometry-Based Tools for Spatial Modeling and Planning of Future Cellular Networks” [51]. Online version here.
  • “Hyperuniform and rigid stable matchings” [54]. Online PDF here. Short presentation available here.
  • “Rigidity and tolerance for perturbed lattices” [68]. Online version here.
  • “Cluster analysis of spatial point patterns: posterior distribution of parents inferred from offspring” [66].
  • “Recovering the lattice from its random perturbations” [79]. Online version here.
  • “Geometry and Topology of the Boolean Model on a Stationary Point Processes” [81]. Online version here.
  • “On distances between point patterns and their applications” [56]. Online version here.
    More general references include two comprehensive volumes on point process theory by Daley and Vere-Jones [20, 21], a chapter by Johnson [45] (available online here or here), books by Møller and Waagepetersen, focusing on statistical inference for spatial processes [60, 61], and “Point Pattern Analysis: Nearest Neighbor Statistics” by Anselin [3] focusing on point inhibition/aggregation metrics, available here. See also [58] by Møller, available online here, and “Limit Theorems for Network Dependent Random Variables” [48], available online here.
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统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Hexagonal Lattice, Nearest Neighbors

在这里,我将深入探讨第 1.5.3 节中讨论的过程的细节。我还讨论了图 2。生成图 2 的源代码在章节中讨论6.4(最近邻图)和6.7(可视化)。这里讨论了图论的一些元素,以及可视化技术。

令人惊讶的是,可以使用对小数的简单操作来产生具有正六边形格子空间的点过程(米=4)方格:叠加、拉伸和移动。拉伸点阵是通过将乘法因子应用到X和/或 Y 坐标。移位点阵是其中网格点已通过平移移位的点阵。

该过程的每个点几乎肯定(概率为 1)恰好有一个最近的邻居。然而,当比例因子秒为零,这不再是真的。在图 2 的左侧图中,每个点(也称为顶点秒=0) 正好有 3 个最近的邻居。这在策划案件时会带来一些挑战秒=0. 案子秒>0更容易绘制,使用从任何点指向其唯一最近邻居的箭头。我用 R 中的箭头函数生成了有问题的箭头,请参阅部分中的源代码6.7, 以及此处的在线文档。一种点之间的双向箭头一种和乙意思是乙是的最近邻一种, 和一种是 B 的最近邻居。图 2 中左侧图中的所有箭头都是双向的。边界效应很容易被注意到,因为一些箭头指向窗外最近的邻居。这些点使用四种颜色,对应于用于生成基于六边形的过程的 4 个移位拉伸泊松二项式过程。颜色表示这 4 个过程中的哪一个,一个点被附加到。

节中的源代码6.4处理具有多个最近邻居的点。它使用哈希表生成所有点及其最近邻居的列表。具有 3 个最近邻居的点在该列表中有 3 个条目:每个最近邻居一个。一组全部由箭头连接的点,称为连通分量 [Wiki]。从连通分量的一点到同一连通分量的另一点的路径,沿着箭头而忽略其方向,在图论中称为路径。

在我对连通分量的定义中,箭头的方向无关紧要:底层图被认为是无向的 [Wiki]。一个有趣的问题是研究大小分布,即每个连通分量的点数,特别是对于标准泊松过程。参见练习 20。在图论中,点称为顶点或节点,箭头称为边。更多关于最近邻的内容在练习 18 和 19 中讨论。

最后,如果您查看图 2,左边的图似乎比右边的图有更多的点。但他们实际上拥有大致相同的点数。右边的图似乎更稀疏,因为有大片区域没有点。但为了补偿,有些区域的几个点非常接近。

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Modeling Cluster Systems in Two Dimensions

有多种方法可以创建散布在中心周围的点。当涉及多个中心时,我们得到一个集群结构。由中心组成的点进程称为父进程,而围绕每个中心分布的点称为子进程。因此,我们正在处理一个双层或层次结构,称为聚类点过程。除了聚类,许多其他类型的点过程操作 [Wiki] 在组合两个过程时也是可能的,例如细化或叠加。聚类点过程的典型示例包括 Neyma-Scott(参见此处)和 Matérn(参见此处)。

有用的参考资料包括 Baddeley 的教科书“Spatial Point Processes and their Applications”[4],可在此处在线获取,Sigman 的一维更新过程初学者课程材料(哥伦比亚大学),标题为“泊松过程注释”[71],可在线获取在这里,Last 和 Kenrose 的著作“泊松过程讲座”[52],以及 Cressie 的 900 页综合著作“空间数据统计”[16]。聚类点过程是称为空间统计的更大领域的一部分,包括其他技术,例如地质统计学、克里金法和曲面细分。对于称为扰动格点过程的基于格的过程,与本教科书的主题(格过程)更密切相关,并且最近与蜂窝网络的应用有关,请参阅以下参考资料:

  • 《论点过程的聚类特性比较》[12]。此处为在线 PDF。
  • “点过程的聚类和渗透”[11]。在线版本在这里。
  • “点过程的聚类比较,在随机几何模型中的应用”[13]。在线版本在这里。
  • “用于未来蜂窝网络空间建模和规划的基于随机几何的工具”[51]。在线版本在这里。
  • “超均匀和刚性稳定匹配”[54]。此处为在线 PDF。此处提供简短演示。
  • “扰动格子的刚度和容忍度”[68]。在线版本在这里。
  • “空间点模式的聚类分析:从后代推断出父母的后验分布”[66]。
  • “从随机扰动中恢复晶格”[79]。在线版本在这里。
  • “驻点过程布尔模型的几何和拓扑”[81]。在线版本在这里。
  • “关于点模式之间的距离及其应用”[56]。在线版本在这里。
    更一般的参考资料包括 Daley 和 Vere-Jones [20, 21] 的两本关于点过程理论的综合性著作,Johnson [45] 的一章(可在此处或此处在线获取),Møller 和 Waagepetersen 的书籍,侧重于空间的统计推断过程 [60、61] 和 Anselin [3] 的“点模式分析:最近邻统计”重点关注点抑制/聚合指标,可在此处获取。另请参见 Møller 的 [58],可在此处在线获取,以及“网络相关随机变量的极限定理”[48],可在此处在线获取。
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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Rotation, Stretching, Translation and Standardization

In two dimensions, rotating a Poisson-binomial process is equivalent to rotating its underlying lattice attached to the index space. Rotating the points has the same effect as rotating the lattice locations, because $F$ (the distribution attached to the points) belongs to a family of location-scale distributions [Wiki]. For instance, a $\pi / 4$ rotation will turn the square lattice into a centered-square lattice [Wiki], but it won’t change the main properties of the point process. Both processes, the original one and the rotated one, may be indistinguishable for all practical purposes unless the scaling factor $s$ is small, creating model identifiability [Wiki] issues. For instance, the theoretical correlation between the point coordinates $\left(X_h, Y_k\right)$ or the underlying lattice point coordinates $(h / \lambda, k / \lambda)$, measured on all points, remains equal to zero after rotation, because the number of points is infinite (this may not be the case if you observe points through a small window, because of boundary effects). Thus, a Poisson-binomial process has a point distribution invariant under rotations, on a macro-scale. This property is called anisotropy [Wiki]. On a micro-scale, a few changes occur though: for instance the twodimensional version of Theorem $4.1$ no longer applies, and the distance between the projection of two neighbor points on the $\mathrm{X}$ or $\mathrm{Y}$ axis, shrinks after the rotation.

Applying a translation to the points of the process, or to the underlying lattice points, results in a shifted point process. It becomes interesting when multiple shifted processes, with different translation vectors, are combined together as in Section 1.5.3. Theorem $4.1$ may not apply to the shifted process, though it can easily be adapted to handle this situation. One of the problems is to retrieve the underlying lattice space of the shifted process. This is useful for model fitting purposes, as it is easier to compare two processes once they have been standardized (after removing translations and rescaling). Estimation techniques to identify the shift are discussed in Section 3.4.

By a standardized Poisson-binomial point process, I mean one in its canonical form, with intensity $\lambda=1$, scaling factor $s=1$, and free of shifts or rotations. Once two processes are standardized, it is easier to compare them, assess if they are Poisson-binomial, or perform various machine learning procedures on observed data, such as testing, computing confidence intervals, cross-validation, or model fitting. In some way, this is similar to transforming and detrending time series to make them more amenable to statistical inference. There is also some analogy between the period or quasi-period of a time series, and the inverse of the intensity $\lambda$ of a Poisson-binomial process: in fact, $1 / \lambda$ is the fixed increment between the underlying lattice points in the lattice space, and can be viewed as the period of the process.

Finally, a two dimensional process is said to be stretched if a different intensity is used for each coordinate for all the points of the process. It turns the underlying square lattice space into a rectangular lattice, and the homogeneous process into a non-homogeneous one, because the intensity varies locally. Observed data points can be standardized using the Mahalanobis transformation [Wiki], to remove stretching (so that variances are identical for both coordinates) and to decorrelate the two coordinates, when correlation is present.

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Superimposition and Mixing

Here we are working with two-dimensional processes. When the points of $m$ independent point processes with same distribution $F$ and same index space $\mathbb{Z}^2$ are bundled together, we say that the processes are superimposed. These processes are no longer Poisson-binomial, see Exercise 14. Indeed, if the scaling factor $s$ is small and $m>1$ is not too small, they exhibit clustering around each lattice location in the lattice space. Also, the intensities or scaling factors of each individual point process may be different, and the resulting combined process may not be homogeneous. Superimposed point processes also called interlaced processes.
A mixture of $m$ point processes, denoted as $M$, is defined as follows:

  • We have $m$ independent point processes $M_1, \ldots, M_m$ with same distribution $F$ and same index space $\mathbb{Z}^2$,
  • The intensity and scaling factor attached to $M_i$ are denoted respectively as $\lambda_i$ and $s_i(i=1, \ldots, m)$,
  • The points of $M_i(i=1, \ldots, m)$ are denoted as $\left(X_{i h}, Y_{i k}\right)$; the index space consists of the $(h, k)$ ‘s,
  • The point $\left(X_h, Y_k\right)$ of the mixture process $M$ is equal to $\left(X_{i h}, Y_{i k}\right)$ with probability $\pi_i>0, i=1, \ldots, m$.
    While mixing or superimposing Poisson-binomial processes seem like the same operation, which is true for stationary Poisson processes, in the case of Poisson-binomial processes, these are distinct operations resulting in significant differences when the scaling factors are very small (see Exercise 18). The difference is most striking when $s=0$. In particular, superimposed processes are less random than mixtures. This is due to the discrete nature of the underlying lattice space. However, with larger scaling factors, the behavior of mixed and superimposed processes tend to be similar.

Several of the concepts discussed in Section $1.5$ are illustrated in Figure 2, representing a realization of $m$ superimposed shifted stretched Poisson-binomial processes, called $m$-interlacing. For each individual process $M_i, i=1, \ldots, m$, the distribution attached to the point $\left(X_{i h}, X_{i k}\right)$ (with $h, k \in \mathbb{Z}$ ) is
P\left(X_{i h}<x, Y_{i k}<y\right)=F\left(\frac{x-\mu_i-h / \lambda}{s}\right) F\left(\frac{y-\mu_i^{\prime}-k / \lambda^{\prime}}{s}\right), \quad i=1, \ldots, m
This generalizes Formula (2). The parameters used for the model pictured in Figure 2 are:

  • Number of superimposed processes: $m=4$; each one displayed with a different color,
  • Color: red for $M_1$, blue for $M_2$, orange for $M_3$, black for $M_4$,
  • scaling factor: $s=0$ (left plot) and $s=5$ (right plot),
  • Intensity: $\lambda=1 / 3$ ( $\mathrm{X}$-axis) and $\lambda^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 3$ ( $\mathrm{Y}$-axis),
  • Shift vector, $\mathrm{X}$-coordinate: $\mu_1=0, \mu_2=1 / 2, \mu_3=2, \mu_4=3 / 2$,
  • Shift vector, Y-coordinate: $\mu_1^{\prime}=0, \mu_2^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 2, \mu_3^{\prime}=0, \mu_4^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 2$,
  • $F$ distribution: standard centered logistic with zero mean and variance $\pi^2 / 3$.
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统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Rotation, Stretching, Translation and Standardization

在二维中,旋转泊松二项式过程等同于旋转其连接到索引空间的底层格子。旋转点与旋转晶格位置具有相同的效果,因为F(附加到点的分布)属于位置尺度分布 [Wiki]。例如,一个π/4旋转会将正方形格子变成中心正方形格子 [Wiki],但它不会改变点过程的主要属性。除非比例因子秒很小,创建模型可识别性 [Wiki] 问题。例如,点坐标之间的理论相关性(XH,是k)或底层格点坐标(H/升,k/升),在所有点上测量,在旋转后保持等于零,因为点的数量是无限的(如果你通过小窗口观察点,情况可能不是这样,因为边界效应)。因此,泊松二项式过程在宏观尺度上具有在旋转下不变的点分布。此属性称为各向异性 [Wiki]。在微观尺度上,虽然发生了一些变化:例如定理的二维版本4.1不再适用,并且两个相邻点在X要么是轴,旋转后收缩。

将平移应用于过程的点或底层的格点,会导致移动的点过程。如第 1.5.3 节所示,当具有不同翻译向量的多个移位过程组合在一起时,它变得很有趣。定理4.1可能不适用于转移的过程,尽管它可以很容易地适应处理这种情况。问题之一是检索移位过程的底层格空间。这对于模型拟合目的很有用,因为一旦标准化(删除平移和重新缩放之后),比较两个过程就更容易了。3.4 节讨论了识别偏移的估计技术。

通过标准化的泊松二项式点过程,我的意思是它的规范形式,具有强度升=1, 比例因子秒=1,并且没有轮班或轮换。一旦两个过程被标准化,就可以更容易地比较它们、评估它们是否符合泊松二项式,或对观察到的数据执行各种机器学习程序,例如测试、计算置信区间、交叉验证或模型拟合。在某种程度上,这类似于对时间序列进行转换和去除趋势,使它们更适合统计推断。时间序列的周期或准周期与强度的倒数之间也有一些类比升泊松二项式过程:事实上,1/升是格空间中底层格点之间的固定增量,可以看作是过程的周期。

最后,如果对过程的所有点的每个坐标使用不同的强度,则称二维过程被拉伸。它将底层的正方形格子空间变成了矩形格子,并且均匀过程变成了非均匀过程,因为强度局部变化。可以使用马氏变换 [Wiki] 对观察到的数据点进行标准化,以消除拉伸(以便两个坐标的方差相同)并在存在相关性时对两个坐标进行去相关。

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Superimposition and Mixing

在这里,我们正在处理二维过程。当点数 $m$ 具有相同分布的独立点过程 $F$ 和相同的索引空间 $\mathbb{Z}^2$ 捆绑在一 起,我们说过程是剧加的。这些过程不再是泊松二项式的,参见练习 14。事实上,如果比例因子 $s$ 很小 而且 $m>1$ 不是太小,它们在晶格空间中的每个晶格位置周围表现出聚集。此外,每个单独的点过程的 强度或比例因子可能不同,并且由此产生的组合过程可能不均匀。詚加点过程也称为交错过程。 的混合物 $m$ 点过程,表示为 $M$ ,定义如下:

  • 我们有 $m$ 独立点过程 $M_1, \ldots, M_m$ 具有相同的分布 $F$ 和相同的索引空间 $\mathbb{Z}^2$ ,
  • 附加的强度和比例因子 $M_i$ 分别记为 $\lambda_i$ 和 $s_i(i=1, \ldots, m)$,
  • 的要点 $M_i(i=1, \ldots, m)$ 表示为 $\left(X_{i h}, Y_{i k}\right)$ ;索引空间由 $(h, k)$ 的,
  • 重点 $\left(X_h, Y_k\right)$ 混合过程 $M$ 等于 $\left(X_{i h}, Y_{i k}\right)$ 有概率 $\pi_i>0, i=1, \ldots, m$. 虽然混合或諿加泊松二项式过程看起来像是相同的操作,对于平稳泊松过程也是如此,但在泊松二 项式过程的情况下,这些是不同的操作,当缩放因子非常小时会导致显着差异 (参见练习 18). 当 $s=0$. 特别是,咺加过程的随机性低于混合过程。这是由于底层晶格空间的离散性质。然而,对 于较大的比例因子,混合过程和䝁加过程的行为往往相似。
    本节中讨论的几个概念 $1.5$ 如图 2 所示,代表了一种实现 $m$ 呾加的偏移拉伸泊松二项式过程,称为 $m$ – 交 错。对于每个单独的过程 $M_i, i=1, \ldots, m$, 分布附加到点 $\left(X_{i h}, X_{i k}\right.$ ) (和 $h, k \in \mathbb{Z}$ ) 是
    P\left(X_{i h}<x, Y_{i k}<y\right)=F\left(\frac{x-\mu_i-h / \lambda}{s}\right) F\left(\frac{y-\mu_i^{\prime}-k / \lambda^{\prime}}{s}\right), \quad i=1, \ldots, m
    这推广了公式 (2)。用于图 2 中所示模型的参数是:
  • 㠬加进程数: $m=4$; 每一个都以不同的颜色显示,
  • 颜色: 红色为 $M_1$ ,蓝色为 $M_2$ ,橙色为 $M_3$ ,黑色为 $M_4$ ,
  • 比例因子: $s=0$ (左图) 和 $s=5$ (右图),
  • 强度: $\lambda=1 / 3$ ( $\mathrm{X}$-轴) 和 $\lambda^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 3$ (Y-轴),
  • 移位向量, $\mathrm{X}$-协调: $\mu_1=0, \mu_2=1 / 2, \mu_3=2, \mu_4=3 / 2$,
  • 移位向量, Y坐标: $\mu_1^{\prime}=0, \mu_2^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 2, \mu_3^{\prime}=0, \mu_4^{\prime}=\sqrt{3} / 2$,
  • $F$ 分布: 均值和方差为零的标准中心逻辑 $\pi^2 / 3$.
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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|STAT3021

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随机过程 用于表示在时间上发展的统计现象以及在处理这些现象时出现的理论模型,由于这些现象在许多领域都会遇到,因此这篇文章具有广泛的实际意义。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写随机过程stochastic process方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写随机过程stochastic process代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写随机过程stochastic process相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的随机过程stochastic process及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础
统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|STAT3021

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Point Count and Interarrival Times

An immediate result is that $F_s(x-k / \lambda)$ is centered at $k / \lambda$. Also, if $s=0$, then $X_k=k / \lambda$. If $s$ is very small, $X_k$ is very close to $k / \lambda$ most of the time. But when $s$ is large, the points $X_k$ ‘s are no longer ordered, and the larger $s$, the more randomly they are permutated (or shuffled, or mixed) on the real line.
Let $B=[a, b]$ be an interval on the real line, with $a2$. This is due to the combinatorial nature of the Poisson-binomial distribution. But you can easily obtain approximated values using simulations.

Another fundamental, real-valued random variable, denoted as $T$ or $T(\lambda, s)$, is the interarrival times between two successive points of the process, once the points are ordered on the real line. In two dimensions, it is replaced by the distance between a point of the process, and its nearest neighbor. Thus it satisfies (see Section $4.2$ ) the following identity:
with $\left.B=] X_0, X_0+y\right]$, assuming it is measured at $X_0$ (the point of the process corresponding to $k=0$ ). See Formula (38) for the distribution of $T$. In practice, this intractable exact formula is not used; instead it is approximated via simulations. Also, the point $X_0$ is not known, since the $X_k$ ‘s are in random order, and retrieving $k$ knowing $X_k$ is usually not possible. The indices (the $k$ ‘s) are hidden. However, see Section $4.7$. The fundamental question is whether using $X_0$ or any $X_k$ (say $X_5$ ), matters for the definition of $T$. This is discussed in Section $1.4$ and illustrated in Table 4.

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Limiting Distributions, Speed of Convergence

I prove in Theorem $4.5$ that Poisson-binomial processes converge to ordinary Poisson processes. In this section, I illustrate the rate of convergence, both for the interarrival times and the point count in one dimension.

In Figure 1 , we used $\lambda=1$ and $B=[-0.75,0.75] ; \mu(B)=1.5$ is the length of $B$. The limiting values (combined with those of Table 3), as $s \rightarrow \infty$, are in agreement with $N(B)$ ‘s moments converging to those of a Poisson distribution of expectation $\lambda \mu(B)$, and $T$ ‘s moments to those of an exponential distribution of expectation $1 / \lambda$. In particular, it shows that $P[N(B)=0] \rightarrow \exp [-\lambda \mu(B)]$ and $E\left[T^2\right] \rightarrow 2 / \lambda$ as $s \rightarrow \infty$. These limiting distributions are features unique to stationary Poisson processes of intensity $\lambda$.

Figure 1 illustrates the speed of convergence of the Poisson-binomial process to the stationarity Poisson process of intensity $\lambda$, as $s \rightarrow \infty$. Further confirmation is provided by Table 3 , and formally established by Theorem 4.5. Of course, when testing data, more than a few statistics are needed to determine whether you are dealing with a Poisson process or not. For a full test, compare the empirical moment generating function (the estimated $\mathrm{E}\left[T^r\right]^{\prime}$ s say for all $r \in[0,3]$ ) or the empirical distribution of the interarrival times, with its theoretical limit (possibly obtained via simulations) corresponding to a Poisson process of intensity $\lambda$. The parameter $\lambda$ can be estimated based on the data. See details in Section 3.

In Figure 1, the values of $\mathrm{E}\left[T^2\right]$ are more volatile than those of $P[N(B)=0]$ because they were estimated via simulations; to the contrary, $P[N(B)=0]$ was computed using the exact Formula (6), though truncated to 20,000 terms. The choice of a Cauchy or logistic distribution for $F$ makes almost no difference. But a uniform $F$ provides noticeably slower, more bumpy convergence. The Poisson approximation is already quite good with $s=10$, and only improves as $s$ increases. Note that in our example, $N(B)>0$ if $s=0$. This is because $X_k=k$ if $s=0$; in particular, $X_0=0 \in B=[-0.75,0.75]$. Indeed $N(B)>0$ for all small enough $s$, and this effect is more pronounced (visible to the naked eye on the left plot, blue curve in Figure 1 ) if $F$ is uniform. Likewise, $E\left[T^2\right]=1$ if $s=0$, as $T(\lambda, s)=\lambda$ if $s=0$, and here $\lambda=1$.

The results discussed here in one dimension easily generalize to higher dimensions. In that case $B$ is a domain such as a circle or square, and $T$ is the distance between a point of the process, and its nearest neighbor. The limit. Poisson process is stationary with intensity $\lambda^d$, where $d$ is the dimension.

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统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Point Count and Interarrival Times

一个立竿见影的结果是 $F_s(x-k / \lambda)$ 以 $k / \lambda$. 另外,如果 $s=0$ ,然后 $X_k=k / \lambda$. 如果 $s$ 很小, $X_k$ 非 常接近 $k / \lambda$ 大多数时候。但当 $s$ 大,分 $X_k$ 的不再有序,更大的 $s$ ,它们在实线上的排列(或混洗或混合) 越随机。
让 $B=[a, b]$ 是实线上的一个区间,有 $a 2$. 这是由于泊松二项分布的组合性质。但是您可以使用模拟轻 松获得近似值。
另一个基本的实值随机变量,表示为 $T$ 要么 $T(\lambda, s)$, 是过程的两个连续点之间的到达间隔时间,一旦这 些点在实际线上被排序。在二维中,它被过程中的一个点与其最近邻点之间的距离所取代。因此它满足 (见第 $4.2$ ) 以下身份:
和 $\left.B=] X_0, X_0+y\right]$ ,假设它是在 $X_0$ (对应的过程点 $k=0$ ). 的分布见式 (38) $T$. 实际上,并没有使 用这个棘手的精确公式;相反,它是通过模拟来近似的。还有,重点 $X_0$ 不知道,因为 $X_k$ 的是随机顺 序,并检索 $k$ 会心 $X_k$ 通常是不可能的。指标 ( $k$ 的) 是隐藏的。但是,请参阅第 $4.7$. 根本的问题是是否 使用 $X_0$ 或任何 $X_k$ (说 $X_5$ ), 事项的定义 $T$. 这在第节中讨论 $1.4$ 并在表4中说明。

统计代写|随机过程代写stochastic process代考|Limiting Distributions, Speed of Convergence

我在定理中证明 $4.5$ 泊松二项式过程收敛于普通泊松过程。在本节中,我说明了到达间隔时间和一维点数 的收敛速度。
在图 1 中,我们使用了 $\lambda=1$ 和 $B=[-0.75,0.75] ; \mu(B)=1.5$ 是的长度 $B$. 限值(结合表 3 的限
值),如 $s \rightarrow \infty$ ,同意 $N(B)$ 的时刻收敛于期望的泊松分布 $\lambda \mu(B)$ ,和 $T$ 的时刻与期望指数分布的时刻 $1 / \lambda$. 特别地,它表明 $P[N(B)=0] \rightarrow \exp [-\lambda \mu(B)]$ 和 $E\left[T^2\right] \rightarrow 2 / \lambda$ 作为 $s \rightarrow \infty$. 这些极限分 布是稳态泊松强度过程所独有的特征 $\lambda$.
图 1 说明了泊松二项式过程向平稳泊松强度过程的收敛速度 $\lambda$ ,作为 $s \rightarrow \infty$. 表 3 提供了进一步的确 认,并由定理 $4.5$ 正式确立。当然,在测试数据时,需要更多的统计数据来确定您是否正在处理泊松过程。对于完整测试,比较经验力矩生成函数(估计的 $\mathrm{E}\left[T^r\right]^{\prime}$ 对所有人说 $r \in[0,3]$ ) 或到达间隔时间的经 验分布,其理论极限(可能通过模拟获得)对应于强度的泊松过程 $\lambda$. 参数 $\lambda$ 可以根据数据进行估算。请 参阅第 3 节中的详细信息。
在图 1 中,值 $\mathrm{E}\left[T^2\right]$ 比那些更不稳定 $P[N(B)=0]$ 因为它们是通过模拟估计的;从相反的方面来说, $P[N(B)=0]$ 是使用精确的公式 (6) 计算的,尽管被截断为 20,000 个术语。柯西分布或逻辑分布的选 改进为 $s$ 增加。请注意,在我们的示例中, $N(B)>0$ 如果 $s=0$. 这是因为 $X_k=k$ 如果 $s=0$; 特别 是, $X_0=0 \in B=[-0.75,0.75]$. 的确 $N(B)>0$ 对于所有足够小的 $s$ ,并且这种效果更明显 (左 图中肉眼可见,图 1 中的蓝色曲线) 如果 $F$ 是统一的。同样地, $E\left[T^2\right]=1$ 如果 $s=0$ ,作为 $T(\lambda, s)=\lambda$ 如果 $s=0 \mathrm{~ , ~ 和 这 里 ~} \lambda=1$.
这里在一维中讨论的结果很容易推广到更高的维度。在这种情况下 $B$ 是一个域,例如圆形或正方形,并 且 $T$ 是过程中的一个点与其最近邻点之间的距离。极限。泊松过程随强度平稳 $\lambda^d$ ,在哪里 $d$ 是维度。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECOS3012

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statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写博弈论Game Theory方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写博弈论Game Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写博弈论Game Theory相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的博弈论Game Theory及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECOS3012

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|STRATEGIC GAMES

Prisoner’s Dilemma is a canonical example of a strategic game because, as we will see shortly, it typifies many scenarios that confront decision makers. Further, being a simple scenario, it can be used to illustrate many of the fundamental concepts of game theory, and it also clearly demonstrates a fundamental dilemma in our (human) decision-making processes.

We model this scenario as a strategic game in which the two suspects, each confined in a separate interrogation room, are the players. We will often refer to our two players in strategic games as Rose and Colin. (This convention helps later to emphasize the distinction between row and column players and was popularized by Phil Straffin in his book Game Theory and Strategy [110].) They each have two strategies available to them which we name Quiet and Confess. Table $3.1$ lists each of the strategy profiles in the form (Rose, Colin) and the resulting outcome.

We assume that each suspect is primarily concerned about their own sentence and wants to minimize it. Table $3.2$ provides payoffs (a common synonym for utilities) for each player. Here we use the utility function 6 minus the number of years in prison; this is consistent with the player preferences. Based on our assumptions, these payoffs are ordinal. For these payoffs to also be vNM, we would need to assume that the suspects are risk neutral in the number of years to be served in prison.

Tables $3.1$ and $3.2$ complete the construction of the model by identifying the strategies, outcomes, and payoffs. We will refer to this model of the Prisoner’s Dilemma scenario as the Prisoner’s Dilemma strategic game.

We are now ready to look for a solution that maximizes the payoffs to the players. By observing that $5>3$, we see that Confess is the best response strategy for Rose if she knows that Colin will choose Quiet. Further, we can observe that Confess is also a best response for Rose if she knows Colin will choose Confess. We formalize the definition of a best response strategy below.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|FINALJEOPARDY

As we observed in Section 3.1, the phrase “Prisoner’s Dilemma” has been used to describe many real-world scenarios; however, not all of these scenarios actually fit the mathematical definition. This can only be revealed by constructing and analyzing a model of the scenario.

We examine a situation in Jeopardy! which fans have identified as a Prisoner’s Dilemma. In the Final Jeopardy round, each contestant makes a wager as to whether they can answer a specific question correctly. When making the wager, contestants know the category of the question, but not the question itself, and the amount of money each of the other contestants has available. Each player’s wager can be between 0 and their current winnings. Depending on whether the contestant answers the question correctly, they win or lose the amount of money wagered. The contestant with the most money after this final round of play wins the game. The winner keeps all of their winnings, and the other two contestants lose essentially all of their money. If there is a tie at the end of the round, a simple, essentially random, tie-breaker rule is applied to identify the winner.

The so-called Prisoner’s Dilemma situation occurs when two contestants are tied for the lead, and the third contestant has less than half of the money of either of the first two contestants. For simplicity we will assume that it is contestants 1 and 2 who are tied with the most money.

In this situation, aficionados of Jeopardy! often refer to “Jeek’s Rule,” which asserts that while they could wager any amount up to their current winnings, contestants 1 and 2 should either wager nothing or everything. We discuss the reasonableness of this rule and then make it an assumption when we define our strategic game.

Let $E$ ‘ be the amount of money contestants 1 and ‘ 2 have each won at the time Final Jeopardy begins. Let $w_i$ denote the wager of contestant $i$ and suppose that contestant 1 ‘s wager satisfies $0<w_1<E$. There are four cases to consider:

Case 1: Both contestants answer the question correctly. In this case, if $w_1<w_2$, contestant 1 regrets not wagering $E$ in order to win. If $w_1 \geq w_2$, then contestant 1 regrets not wagering $E$ to maximize their winnings.

Case 2: Contestant 1 answers the question correctly and contestant 2 does not. Here contestant 1 regrets not wagering $E$ in order to maximize their winnings.

Case 3 : Contestant 1 answers the question incorrectly and contestant 2 answers correctly. Then contestant 1 is indifferent about their bet unless $w_2=0$, in which case they regret not wagering $w_1=0$.

Case 4: Both contestants answer the question incorrectly. Here, if $w_1 \geq w_2$, contestant 1 regrets not wagering $w_1=0$ in order to win. If $w_1<w_2$, then contestant 1 regrets not wagering $w_1=0$ to maximize their winnings.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECOS3012


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|STRATEGIC GAMES


我们将此场景建模为一个战略游戏,其中两名嫌疑人是玩家,每个人都被关在一个单独的审讯室里。我们经常将战略游戏中的两名球员称为罗斯和科林。(此约定后来有助于强调行和列玩家之间的区别,并由 Phil Straffin 在他的书博弈论和策略 [110] 中推广。)他们每个人都有两种可用的策略,我们将其命名为 Quiet 和 Confess。桌子3.1列出表格中的每个策略配置文件 (Rose, Colin) 和结果结果。

我们假设每个嫌疑人主要关心的是他们自己的刑期,并希望将其减至最少。桌子3.2为每个玩家提供收益(公用事业的常见同义词)。这里我们使用效用函数 6 减去入狱年数;这符合玩家的喜好。根据我们的假设,这些收益是有序的。为了让这些回报也成为 vNM,我们需要假设嫌疑人在监狱服刑的年数上是风险中性的。


我们现在准备寻找一种解决方案,使玩家的收益最大化。通过观察5>3,我们看到如果 Rose 知道 Colin 会选择 Quiet,Confess 是她最好的应对策略。此外,我们可以观察到如果 Rose 知道 Colin 会选择 Confess,那么 Confess 也是她的最佳回应。我们在下面正式定义最佳响应策略。

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|FINALJEOPARDY

正如我们在第 $3.1$ 节中观察到的, “图困境”一词已被用来描述许多现实世界的场景;然而,并非所有这 些场景实际上都符合数学定义。这只能通过构建和分析场景模型来揭示。
我们检查处于危险中的情况!粉丝将其确定为囚徒困境。在 Final Jeopardy 回合中,每位参赛者都会就 他们是否能正确回答特定问题下注。下注时,参塞者知道问题的类别,但不知道问题本身,也不知道其 他参塞者每个人可用的金额。每个玩家的赌注可以介于 0 和他们当前的奖金之间。根据参赛者是否正确 回答问题,他们赢或输下注的金额。最后一轮比赛结束后,钱最多的参寒者将赢得比䗙。获胜者保留了 所有的奖金,而另外两名参寒者基本上输掉了所有的钱。如果在回合结束时出现平局,一个简单的,基 本上是随机的,
当两名参塞者并列领先,而第三名参塞者的钱少于前两名参塞者中任何一方的一半时,就会出现所谓的 囚徒困境情况。为简单起见,我们假设参塞者 1 和 2 的奖金最多。
在这种情况下,危险的爱好者!通常提到”Jeek 规则”,该规则断言,虽然他们可以下注任何金额,但不 超过他们当前的奖金,但参寒者 1 和 2 要么什么都不下,要么全下。我们讨论这条规则的合理性,然后在定义我们的战略游戏时将其作为假设。
让 $E^{\prime}$ 是参赛者 1 和 2 在 Final Jeopardy 开始时各自赢得的金额。让 $w_i$ 表示参赛者的赌注 $i$ 并假设参赛者 1 的赌注满足 $0<w_1<E$. 有四种情况需要考虑:
案例 1: 两位参寨者都正确回答了问题。在这种情况下,如果 $w_1<w_2$ ,选手1后悔没有下注 $E$ 为了 赢。如果 $w_1 \geq w_2$ ,那么选手 1 后悔没有下注 $E$ 以最大化他们的奖金。
案例 2: 参寒者 1 正确回答了问题,而参赛者 2 没有。这里选手 1 后悔没有下注 $E$ 为了最大化他们的奖 金。 ,在这种情况下,他们后悔没有下注 $w_1=0$.
案例 4: 两位参寒者都答错了问题。在这里,如果 $w_1 \geq w_2$ ,选手 1 后悔没有下注 $w_1=0$ 为了赢。如果 $w_1<w_2$ ,那么选手 1 后悔没有下注 $w_1=0$ 以最大化他们的奖金。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECON6025

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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|CONSTRUCTING UTILITIES

We have already suggested how we might construct a utility function to model a player’s choices when there are a finite number of outcomes. Ordinal preferences can be revealed by asking the player to choose among all outcomes and assign those outcomes the highest utility, asking the player to choose among all outcomes not previously chosen and assign those outcomes the second highest utility, and so forth. vNM preferences can be obtained by asking the player to name the highest and lowest ranked outcomes $o_h$ and $o_l$, assign utilities of $u\left(o_h\right)=1$ and $u\left(o_l\right)=0$ to these outcomes, and then for each remaining outcome $o$ determine a probability $p$ for which the player would be willing to choose either the outcome $o$ or the lottery $(1-p) o_l+p o_h$ and assign $u(o)=p$.

In this section, we examine four specific scenarios to illustrate a variety of ways utility functions may be created.

To model Self-Interest and Other-Interest, we simplify our scenario to examine the monthly salaries of the job offers for each spouse. Suppose Scarlett and Regis receive $\$ x$ thousand and $\$ y$ thousand, respectively; we will denote this by $(x, y)$. Consider the following four possible outcomes: $(7,0),(6,6),(5,7)$, and $(1,6)$. If Scarlett is exclusively self-interested, she would rank order these outcomes in the given order. If Scarlett is primarily interested in Regis receiving money and only secondarily interested in receiving money for herself, Scarlett would rank order the outcomes $(5,7),(6,6),(1,6)$, and $(7,0)$. If Scarlett had a mixture of self-interest, other-interest, and a desire for equity, she might rank order the outcomes $(6,6),(5,7),(7,0)$, and $(1,6)$.

In fact, this last rank order would be obtained if Scarlett considered $\$ 1,000$ given to Regis to be worth the same to her as her receiving $\$ 500$, suggesting the utility function $u(x, y)=x+0.5 y$. Of course, this is only an ordinal utility function unless, at minimum, Scarlett is indifferent between the outcome $(7,0)$ with utility $u(7,0)=7$ and the lottery $L=0.6(6,6)+0.4(1,6)$ with utility
u(L)=0.6 u(6,6)+0.4 u(1,6)=0.6(9)+0.4(4)=7 .
This example demonstrates how we can incorporate both self-interest and altruistic interests into a player’s utility function. Therefore, maximizing a utility function does not necessarily imply selfishness, but rather achieving the most preferred outcome based on the player’s interests.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|DETERMINING RISK

In the duopoly scenario, and in most other economic models, the utility of an outcome is cquivalent to some dollar value associated with the outcome. While we can see how dollar values might capture the intensity of a player’s preferences, dollar values are not necessarily vNM utilities. For example, receiving $\$ 11.00$ instead of $\$ 10.00$ means significantly more than receiving $\$ 1001.00$ instead of $\$ 1000.00$ to most people. To explore this difference, we consider the relationship between the expected utility of a lottery, as given by the Expected Utility Hypothesis, and the utility of the expected value of the lottery.

Consider the following raffle: For $\$ 25$, you can purchase a $\frac{1}{400}$ chance for a $\$ 10,000$ college scholarship. We can represent this lottery with our usual notation
\left.\frac{399}{400}(\text { losing } \$ 25)+\frac{1}{400} \text { (winning } \$ 9,975\right) \text {, }
$$ but since the outcomes are numerical, we can calculate the expected monetary value of the raffle as
\frac{399}{400}(-\$ 25)+\frac{1}{400}(\$ 9,975)=\$ 0 .
The expected monetary value of entering or not entering the raffle is the same, however, entering the raffle involves a small chance of a large gain offset by a large chance of a small loss, while not entering the raffle involves no chance of a gain or a loss. Entering the raffle involves risk while not entering the raffle does not.

Most parents of college students are willing to enter the raffle, but many college students themselves are not. For the college parents,
\left.\left.u\left(\frac{399}{400} \text { (losing } \$ 25\right)+\frac{1}{400} \text { (winning } \$ 9,975\right)\right)>u(\$ 0),
but for the students themselves,
\left.u\left(\frac{399}{400}(\text { losing } \$ 25)+\frac{1}{400} \text { (winning } \$ 9,975\right)\right)<u(\$ 0) .
For the parents, the utility of the lottery is greater than the utility of the expected value, making them risk loving in this scenario. On the other hand, the students are risk adverse since the utility of the lottery is less than the utility of the expected value. This principle holds in general, as we describe in the following definition.

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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|CONSTRUCTING UTILITIES

我们已经提出了如何构建效用函数来模拟玩家在结果数量有限时的选择。序数偏好可以通过要求玩家在 所有结果中进行选择并为这些结果分配最高效用,要求玩家在所有先前末选择的结果中进行选择并为这 些结果分配第二高效用等来揭示。可以通过要求玩家说出排名最高和最低的结果来获得 vNM 偏好 $o_h$ 和 $o_l$ ,分配实用程序 $u\left(o_h\right)=1$ 和 $u\left(o_l\right)=0$ 这些结果,然后是每个剩余的结果 $o$ 确定一个概率 $p$ 玩家愿意 选择的结果 $o$ 或彩票 $(1-p) o_l+p o_h$ 并分配 $u(o)=p$.
为了对自利和其他利益建模,我们简化了我们的场景,以检查每个配偶的工作机会的月薪。假设思嘉和 瑞吉斯收到 $\$ x$ 千和 $\$ y$ 千,分别;我们将用 $(x, y)$. 考虑以下四种可能的结果: $(7,0),(6,6),(5,7)$ ,和 $(1,6)$. 如果斯嘉丽完全是自利的,她会按照给定的顺序对这些结果进行排序。如果 Scarlett 主要对 Regis 收钱感兴趣,仅次于为自己收钱,Scarlett 将对结果进行排序 $(5,7),(6,6),(1,6)$ ,和 $(7,0)$. 如 果思嘉混合了自身利益、他人利益和对公平的渴望,她可能会对结果进行排序 $(6,6),(5,7),(7,0)$ ,和 $(1,6)$
事实上,如果斯嘉丽考虑,就会获得最后的排名顺序 $\$ 1,000$ 给予 Regis 的价值与她收到的价值相同 $\$ 500$ ,提示效用函数 $u(x, y)=x+0.5 y$. 当然,这只是一个有序的效用函数,除非至少 Scarlett 对结 果无动于衷 $(7,0)$ 实用 $u(7,0)=7$ 和彩票 $L=0.6(6,6)+0.4(1,6)$ 实用
u(L)=0.6 u(6,6)+0.4 u(1,6)=0.6(9)+0.4(4)=7 .
这个例子展示了我们如何将自利和利他利益结合到玩家的效用函数中。因此,最大化效用函数并不一定 意味着自私,而是基于参与者的利益实现最偏好的结果。

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|DETERMINING RISK

在双头垄断的情况下,以及在大多数其他经济模型中,结果的效用等同于与结果相关的一些美元价值。 虽然我们可以看到美元价值如何捕捉玩家偏好的强度,但美元价值不一定是 VNM 效用。例如,接收 $\$ 11.00$ 代替 $\$ 10.00$ 意味着远远超过接收 $\$ 1001.00$ 代替 $\$ 1000.00$ 对大多数人来说。为了探索这种差 异,我们考虑了预期效用假设给出的彩票预期效用与彩票预期价值的效用之间的关系。
考虑以下抽奖活动:对于 $\$ 25$ ,你可以购买一个 $\frac{1}{400}$ 一个机会 $\$ 10,000$ 大学奖学金。我们可以用我们通 常的符号来表示这张彩票
\left.\left.\frac{399}{400} \text { ( losing } \$ 25\right)+\frac{1}{400} \text { (winning } \$ 9,975\right) \text {, }
\frac{399}{400}(-\$ 25)+\frac{1}{400}(\$ 9,975)=\$ 0 .
参加或不参加抽奖的预期货币价值是相同的,但是,参加抽奖有小概率的大收益被大概率的小损失所抵 消,而不参加抽奖则没有获得收益的机会或亏损。参加抽奖有风险,不参加抽奖则没有风险。
u\left(\frac{399}{400}(\text { losing } \$ 25)+\frac{1}{400}(\text { winning } \$ 9,975)\right)>u(\$ 0)
u\left(\frac{399}{400}(\text { losing } \$ 25)+\frac{1}{400}(\text { winning } \$ 9,975)\right)<u(\$ 0) .
对于父母来说,彩票的效用大于期望值的效用,使他们在这种情况下冒险去爱。另一方面,学生是风险 厌恶的,因为彩票的效用小于期望值的效用。正如我们在下面的定义中所描述的那样,这个原则通常是成立的。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECON2112

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  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ORDINAL UTILITIES

In this scenario, there are four possible outcomes: Scarlett leaves with vanilla ice cream, which we will label $V$, leaves with chocolate ice cream, labeled $C$, leaves with strawberry ice cream, labeled $S$, or leaves with no ice cream, labeled $N$. Our outcome set is then ${V, C, S, N}$. The rules dictate that Scarlett may choose any outcome that is available.
To model Scarlett’s preferences and build a utility function, we consider the choices she would make when certain outcomes are available. Supposing that all potential outcomes are available, Scarlett would choose $V$; if $C$ were not an available outcome, Scarlett would choose $S$; if only $V$ and $N$ were available outcomes, Scarlett would flip a coin to determine whether to select $V$ or $N$; and if only $C$ and $S$ were available outcomes, Scarlett would be unable to make a choice. While this behavior would be possible, most would find it bizarre: Scarlett’s choice of $V$ when presented with the outcome set ${V, C, S, N}$ suggests she prefers $V$ to $S$, but Scarlett’s choice of $S$ when presented the outcome subset ${V, S, N}$ suggests she prefers $S$ to $V$. To avoid such absurd possibilities, we will assume that individual behavior is governed by self-consistent internal preferences over the outcomes, which is reflected in the mathematical definition of ordinal preferences below.

Definition 2.1.1. A player $i$ is said to have ordinal preferences among outcomes if there exists a utility function $u_i$ from the set $O$ of outcomes into the real numbers, $\mathbb{R}$, such that whenever presented with a subset $O^{\prime} \subseteq O$ of outcomes, player $i$ chooses any of the outcomes that maximize $u_i$ over all outcomes $o \in O^{\prime}$.

To ensure that ordinal preferences align with the players real-world choice behavior, we note that whenever player $i$ prefers outcome $o_j$ over outcome $o_k$, we should have $u_i\left(o_j\right)>$ $u_i\left(o_k\right)$, and when player $i$ is indifferent between $o_j$ and $o_k$ we should have $u_i\left(o_j\right)=u_i\left(o_k\right)$. We now ask under what conditions Scarlett’s outcome choice behavior can be modeled by ordinal preferences and describe three reasonable properties for a self-consistent set of choices. Since it is usually easier for a player to choose between two rather than among many outcomes, these properties will focus on pairwise choices.

First, we want Scarlett’s pairwise choices to be complete, meaning that whenever she is presented with a pair of outcomes, Scarlett is able to make a choice. Equivalently, for each pair of outcomes, $A$ and $B$, exactly one of the following conditions holds: (a) Scarlett chooses $A$ over $B$, (b) Scarlett chooses $B$ over $A$, or (c) Scarlett is willing to flip a coin to determine which outcome to choose (in this case we will often say Scarlett chooses either $A$ or $B$ ). Hence, this condition excludes the following option as a possibility: (d) Scarlett chooses neither $A$ nor $B$. (When we want the rules to allow a player to choose none of the options, we must include that as an outcome, as we did in the Ice Cream Parlor scenario.) For (a), we will assign utilities so that $u(A)>u(B)$. Likewise for (b) we will assign utilities so that $u(B)>u(A)$. Finally for (c), since Scarlett is willing to flip a coin to determine the outcome, we assume she is indifferent between $A$ and $B$ and assign $u(A)=u(B)$.


A significant limitation of ordinal preferences and their associated utility functions is that they cannot describe the intensity of a player’s preference for a particular outcome. That is, they cannot capture the difference between Scarlett preferring vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream and Scarlett so strongly preferring vanilla that she would pay for it rather than have a free serving of chocolate. Notice how we have once again translated our intuitive sense of internal preference intensity into something that is observable (a real-world choice) so we can create a utility function based on these choices. While asking players to choose among outcomes that include the receipt or payment of money would be one observable way to determine intensity of preferences, we will take an approach that does not rely on the availability of money.

We begin by introducing a new, probability-based outcome called a lottery. Suppose that when a second customer, Regis, enters the ice cream parlor, he encounters a college student conducting a taste test involving different flavors of ice cream. The college student offers Regis the choice of either a sample of chocolate ice cream (his second-most favorite) or an unknown sample that is either vanilla (his favorite) or strawberry (his least favorite). The second option in this example is a simple lottery.

Definition 2.2.1. Given a set of outcomes, $O$, a simple lottery is a probability distribution over this set. When $O=\left{o_1, o_2, \ldots, o_m\right}$, a finite set, a simple lottery can be denoted by $p_1 o_1+p_2 o_2+\ldots+p_m o_m$ where $p_i$ is the probability of outcome $o_i$. A compound lottery is a probability distribution over other lotteries. Because an outcome $o \in O$ can be written as the simple lottery $1 o$, we see that $O \subset \mathcal{L}$, the set of all (simple and compound) lotteries.
Tó reveál thè strength of a player’s préference for one outcomé over another, wè must examine not nnly chnires hetween single nutromes hut chnices hetween single nutcomes and lotteries. Suppose Regis prefers vanilla $V$ over chocolate $C$ and prefers $C$ over strawberry $S$. The choice Regis makes between $C$ and the lottery $0.5 S+0.5 V$ tells us about the strength of his preference for $V$ over $C$ and for $C$ over $S$. If he would choose either of the two possibilities, then the strength of Regis’s preference for $C$ is exactly halfway between $S$ and $V$. If Regis were to choose $C$ over $0.5 S+0.5 \mathrm{~V}$, it reveals that his preference intensity for $C$ is closer to $V$ than to $S$. If Regis were willing to choose either $C$ or the lottery $0.1 S+0.9 \mathrm{~V}$, it would reveal that his preference for $V$ over $C$ is very small and his preference for $C$ over $S$ is relatively large. However, if he were instead willing to choose $C$ or the lottery $0.9 S+0.1 \mathrm{~V}$, it would reveal a strong preference for $V$ over $C$ and that his preferences for $C$ over $S$ is small. When a player is willing to choose either of two lotteries, this reveals the player is indifferent between these choices. This motivates the following generalization of the utility function concept.

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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ORDINAL UTILITIES

在这种情况下,有四种可能的结果: Scarlett 带着香草冰淇淋离开,我们将其标记为 $V$ ,带有巧克力冰 淇淋的叶子,贴有标签 $C$ ,叶子和草莓冰淇淋,贴有标签 $S$ ,或没有冰淇淋的叶子,贴有标签 $N$. 我们的 结果集是 $V, C, S, N$. 规则规定斯嘉丽可以选择任何可用的结果。
为了对 Scarlett 的偏好进行建模并构建效用函数,我们考虑了当某些结果可用时她会做出的选择。假设 所有可能的结果都是可用的,斯嘉丽会选择 $V$; 如果 $C$ 没有可用的结果,斯嘉丽会选择 $S$; 要是 $V$ 和 $N$ 如果 有可用的结果,斯嘉丽会掷硬币来决定是否选择 $V$ 要么 $N$; 如果只有 $C$ 和 $S$ 如果有可用的结果,斯嘉丽将 无法做出选择。虽然这种行为是可能的,但大多数人会觉得很奇怪:斯嘉丽选择 $V$ 当出现结果集时 $V, C, S, N$ 表明她更喜欢 $V$ 到 $S$, 但思嘉的选择 $S$ 当呈现结果子集时 $V, S, N$ 表明她更喜欢 $S$ 到 $V$. 为了避 免这种荒谬的可能性,我们将假设个人行为受对结果的自洽内部偏好的支配,这反映在下面的序数偏好 的数学定义中。
定义 2.1.1。一个玩家 $i$ 如果存在效用函数,则据说在结果之间具有顺序偏好 $u_i$ 从集合 $O$ 结果转化为实 数, $\mathbb{R}$ ,这样每当出现一个子集 $O^{\prime} \subseteq O$ 结果,玩家 $i$ 选择任何最大化的结果 $u_i$ 在所有结果上 $o \in O^{\prime}$.
为了确保序数偏好与玩家在现实世界中的选择行为一致,我们注意到每当玩家 $i$ 更喜欢结果 $o_j$ 超过结果 $o_k$ ,我们本应该 $u_i\left(o_j\right)>u_i\left(o_k\right)$ ,当玩家 $i$ 无所谓 $o_j$ 和 $o_k$ 我们本应该 $u_i\left(o_j\right)=u_i\left(o_k\right)$. 我们现在询问 在什么条件下 Scarlett 的结果选择行为可以通过序数偏好来建模,并描述自洽选择集的三个合理属性。 由于玩家通常更容易在两个结果之间做出选择,而不是在许多结果中做出选择,因此这些属性将侧重于 成对选择。
首先,我们㳍望 Scarlett 的成对选择是完整的,这意味着无论何时向她呈现一对结果,Scarlett 都能够做 出选择。等价地,对于每对结果, $A$ 和 $B$, 怙好满足以下条件之一:(a) Scarlett 选择 $A$ 超过 $B$ , (b) 思嘉选 择 $B$ 超过 $A$ ,或者 (c) Scarlett 愿意郑硬币来决定选择哪个结果(在这种情况下,我们通常会说 Scarlett 选择 $A$ 要么 $B$ ). 因此,这个条件排除了以下选项的可能性: (d) Scarlett 既不选择 $A$ 也不 $B$. (当我们㣇望 规则允许玩家不选择任何选项时,我们必须将其作为结果包括在内,就像我们在冰淇淋店场景中所做的 那样。)对于 (a),我们将分配实用程序,以便 $u(A)>u(B)$. 同样对于 (b) 我们将分配实用程序,以便 $u(B)>u(A)$. 最后对于 (c),由于 Scarlett 愿意掷硬币来决定结果,我们假设她对两者无动于衷 $A$ 和 $B$ 并分配 $u(A)=u(B)$.


序数偏好及其相关效用函数的一个重要限制是它们无法描述玩家对特定结果的偏好强度。也就是说,他 们无法区分 Scarlett 更喜欢香草冰淇淋而不是巧克力冰淇淋,以及 Scarlett 如此强烈地喜欢香草以至于 她愿意为它付钱而不是免费享用巧克力之间的区别。请注意我们如何再次将我们对内部偏好强度的直觉 转化为可观察的东西 (现实世界的选择),因此我们可以根据这些选择创建效用函数。虽然要求玩家在 包括收款或付款在内的结果中进行选择是确定偏好强度的一种可观察方法,但我们将采用一种不依赖于 金钱可用性的方法。
我们首先介绍一种新的、基于概率的结果,称为彩票。假设当第二位顾客 Regis 进入冰淇淋店时,他遇 到一名大学生正在对不同口味的冰淇淋进行味觉测试。这位大学生让瑞吉斯选择巧克力冰淇淋样品(他 第二喜欢) 或末知样品,香草 (他最喜欢) 或草莓(他最不喜欢) 。此示例中的第二个选项是简单的彩 票。
定义 2.2.1。给定一组结果, $O$ ,一个简单的彩票是这个集合的概率分布。什么时候
O=\left{0_1,o_2, Vdots, o_m\right } } \text { ,一个有限集,一个简单的彩票可以表示为 }
$p_1 o_1+p_2 o_2+\ldots+p_m o_m$ 在哪里 $p_i$ 是结果的概率 $o_i$. 复合彩票是其他彩票的概率分布。因为一个结 果 $o \in O$ 可以写成简单的彩票 $l o$ ,我们看到 $O \subset \mathcal{L}$ ,所有(简单和复合) 彩票的集合。
为了揭示玩家对一个结果的偏好程度优于另一个结果,我们不仅要检查单个结果之间的关系,还要检查 单个结果和彩票之间的关系。假设 Regis 更喜欢香草味 $V$ 巧克力 $C$ 并且喜欢 $C$ 在草莓上 $S$. 瑞吉斯的选择 $C$ 和彩票 $0.5 S+0.5 V$ 告诉我们他偏爱的强度 $V$ 超过 $C$ 并为 $C$ 超过 $S$. 如果他选择这两种可能性中的任何 一种,那么 Regis 偏好的强度 $C$ 恰好在中间 $S$ 和 $V$. 如果瑞吉斯选择 $C$ 超过 $0.5 S+0.5 \mathrm{~V}$ ,它揭示了他对 $C$ 更接近 $V$ 比到 $S$. 如果瑞吉斯愿意选择 $C$ 或彩票 $0.1 S+0.9 \mathrm{~V}$ ,这将揭示他对 $V$ 超过 $C$ 很小,他偏爱 $C$ 超过 $S$ 比较大。但是,如果他愿意选择 $C$ 或彩票 $0.9 S+0.1 \mathrm{~V}$ ,它会显示出对 $V$ 超过 $C$ 他的偏好 $C$ 超过 $S$ 是小。当玩家愿意选择两个彩票中的任何一个时,这表明玩家对这些选择无动于衷。这激发了效用函数概念的以下概括。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



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我们提供的宏观经济学Macroeconomics及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

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  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
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经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|The Shipbuilding Model and the Lambert Function

In his 1931 article on the “Shipbuilding cycle,” Tinbergen was interested in the increase of tonnage that followed the building of ships with a lag of about one year due to the construction period. From this connection a relation emerged between the increase of total tonnage and the volume of total tonnage two years before (Tinbergen, 1959: 2). Tinbergen proposed to model this relation as a differential equation with a delay, of the form:
\dot{f}(t)=-a f(t-\theta),
where $f(t)$ is the tonnage as a function of time, $\theta$ represents the delay between the tonnage and its increase in $t$, and $a$ is the intensity of the relation, the volume of increase above the trend (linbergen, 1959: 3). Tinbergen assumed a solution to his equation of the form $f(t)=C e^{\lambda t}$, which, inserted into the equation above yields $\lambda=-a e^{-\lambda \theta}$, once we have simplified the $C$ which only depends on the initial conditions. $\lambda$ can be a real or complex number, but because it appears both in the exponential function and alone this equation is transcendental. Now, “transcendental” means that usually the answer will only be found “experimentally” as Tinbergen put it. Indeed a transcendental equation is periodic, in the same sense that the exponential function with an imaginary argument traces a circle repeating itself as the argument increases. To find a general solution, Tinbergen (and after him Frisch and Kalecki) separated the real and the imaginary part of this equation and solved for one of the two in terms of trigonometric functions; for instance Tinbergen obtained the equation:
b \frac{\sin (y)}{y}=e^{-\frac{y}{\tan (y)}},
where $b=a \theta$ and $\lambda=x+i y, i=\sqrt{-1}$. To find the solutions for $y$ of this type of equations, they took the same approach of plotting both sides and looking for points of intersection, before improving on this solution with simple algorithms. Figure $2.4$ shows in the solid red lines the right hand side of the Eq. 2.2, while the dashed lines are the left hand side, for three different values of $b$ and both as a function of $y$.
It is readily apparent that there will be only one solution in each interval of length $2 \pi$. We can see that the leftmost solution will have the lowest frequency, that is, the largest period, and that all other solutions will have a higher frequency; thus the roots of the characteristic equation above will be ordered by their decreasing period or increasing frequency.

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|From Natural Sciences to Economics

Hamburger claimed that it was only with new mathematical tools that economists would be able to account quantitatively and qualitatively for economic processes. Ultimately, the aim was to transform economics into a science similar to biology, ${ }^5$ a science capable of understanding the operation of social organisms beset by recurrent “pathologies.” It should be noted that Hamburger was not the only economist interested in business cycles who was showing some discontent with a mechanical analogy. Ernst Wagemann, the German head of the imperial statistical office and of the business cycle research institute of Berlin, in a book published in 1928, called as well for a biological metaphor.

Although Wagemann wrote in German, his book met enough success to warrant its translation in English only two years later under the title Economic Rhythm: A Theory of Business Cycles, with a prefatory note from Wesley C. Mitchell (Wagemann, 1930). In the preface to the English edition, Wagemann presented his contribution as a small step “toward the repayment of the debt which Europe owes to America in the field of research into economic dynamics” (Wagemann, 1930: v). However, the type of dynamics that was applied remained very empirical: although Wagemann was searching for a theory, he steered resolutely away from abstract constructions which were heavily criticized. His review of existing theories led him to propose that “while the American methods are those of engineering, and the Russian those of astronomy, the German institute represents the medical, or, better, the organicbiological point of view” (1930: 10). The “organic-biological principle” which he described (with reference to Menger) was meant to capture both the interconnection of the separate parts of an (economic) organism as well as “a peculiarity which may be defined as consisting in the power to regulate its own movement” (1930: 11), an approach which he emphasized as “anything but mechanical” (1930: 11).

Another radical opinion on the business cycle was that it was only a “myth.” This opinion was shared among American economists and statisticians, such as Carl Snyder (1930) and Irving Fisher (1925). ${ }^6$ While the former based his claim on the fact that compared to the growth of the economy, the amplitude of fluctuations remained within certain limits, the second doubted that “inherent” cyclical regularity in business could be detected. For Fisher, even if there existed a simple self-generating cycle similar to that of a pendulum swinging under the influence of the force of gravity, its tendency to materialize would be necessarily “defeated in practice” (Fisher, 1925: 192). To show this, he proposed to move away from the pendulum metaphor, toward the “physical analogue” of “the sway of the trees or of their branches.” For instance, after a tree is bended, one observes a swaying movement similar to that of the cycle: but Fisher did not think that such a movement was actually observed in the woods: “in actual experience […] twigs or tree tops seldom oscillate so regularly, even temporarily; they register instead, chiefly the variations in wind velocity” (Fisher, 1925: 192). A steady wind as well as any “outside forces”7 may thus bend the trees for weeks and annihilate completely their tendency to swing back and forth while changes in wind speed or in its direction will simply modify the angle of the tree with the ground.



经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|The Shipbuilding Model and the Lambert Function

在他 1931 年关于“造船周期”的文章中,Tinbergen 对船舶建造后吨位的增加感兴趣,由于建造周期的原 因,滞后大约一年。由此可见,总吨位的增加与两年前的总吨位体积之间存在一种关系 (Tinbergen, 1959:2)。Tinbergen 建议将这种关系建模为具有延迟的微分方程,形式如下:
\dot{f}(t)=-a f(t-\theta),
在哪里 $f(t)$ 吨位是时间的函数, $\theta$ 代表吨位与其增加量之间的延迟 $t ,$ 和 $a$ 是关系的强度,高于趋势的增 加量 (linbergen, 1959: 3)。 Tinbergen 假设了他的方程式的解 $f(t)=C e^{\lambda t}$ ,揷入到上面的等式中得到 $\lambda=-a e^{-\lambda \theta}$ ,一旦我们简化了 $C$ 这仅取决于初始条件。 $\lambda$ 可以是实数或复数,但因为它既出现在指数 函数中又单独出现,这个方程是超越的。现在,“先验意味着答案通常只能像丁伯根所说的那样“通过实 验”找到。事实上,超越方程是周期性的,就像具有虚参数的指数函数跟踪一个随着参数增加而重复自身 的圆圈一样。为了找到一个通解,Tinbergen(以及在他之后的 Frisch 和 Kalecki) 将这个方程的实部和 虚部分开,并根据三角函数求解其中一个;例如 Tinbergen 获得了等式:
b \frac{\sin (y)}{y}=e^{-\frac{y}{\tan (y)}},
在哪里 $b=a \theta$ 和 $\lambda=x+i y, i=\sqrt{-1}$. 寻找解决方案 $y$ 对于此类方程式,他们采用相同的方法绘制两 边并寻找交点,然后使用简单的算法改进此解决方案。数字 $2.4$ 以红色实线显示等式的右侧。2.2,而虚 线是左侧,对于三个不同的值 $b$ 两者都作为函数 $y$.
很明显,在每个长度区间内只有一个解 $2 \pi$. 我们可以看到,最左边的解将具有最低的频率,即最大的周 期,而所有其他解将具有更高的频率;因此,上述特征方程的根将按周期递减或频率递增排序。

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|From Natural Sciences to Economics

Hamburger 声称,只有使用新的数学工具,经济学家才能对经济过程进行定量和定性分析。最终,目标 是将经济学转变为类似于生物学的科学, ${ }^5$ 一门能够理解被反复出现的”病态” 困扰的社会有机体运作的科 学。应该指出的是,汉堡并不是唯一对商业周期感兴趣并对机械类比表示不满的经济学家。德国帝国统 计局局长兼柏林商业周期研究所所长恩斯特. 瓦格曼 (Ernst Wagemann) 在 1928 年出版的一本书中也呼 吁使用生物学隐喻。
尽管 Wagemann 用德语写作,但他的书取得了足够的成功,仅在两年后就被翻译成英文,标题为”经济 节奏:商业周期理论”,并附有 Wesley C. Mitchell 的序言(Wagemann,1930 年)。在英文版的序言 中,Wagemann 将他的贡献描述为”朝着偿还欧洲在经济动态研究领域欠美国的债务”迈出的一小步 (Wagemann,1930:v) 。然而,所应用的动力学类型仍然非常经验主义:尽管 Wagemann 正在寻 找一种理论,但他坚决避开了受到严厉批评的抽象结构。他对现有理论的回顾使他提出“虽然美国的方法 是工程学的方法,而俄罗斯的方法是天文学的方法,德国研究所代表了医学,或者更确切地说,有机生 物学的观点” (1930:10) 。他描述的“有机生物学原理” (参考门格尔) 旨在捕捉 (经济) 有机体各个部 分之间的相互联系以及”可以定义为存在于调节能力中的特性”它自己的运动”(1930:11),他强调这种 方法”绝不是机械的” (1930: 11)。
另一种关于商业周期的激进观点是,它只是一个”神话”。这一观点在美国经济学家和统计学家之间得到了 认同,例如卡尔·斯奈德 (Carl Snyder) (1930) 和欧文·费雪 (Irving Fisher) (1925)。 ${ }^6$ 前者的主张基于这样 一个事实,即与经济增长相比,波动幅度保持在一定限度内,而第二个则怀疑是否可以检测到商业中“固 有的”周期性规律。对于费舍尔来说,即使存在类似于钟摆在重力作用下摆动的简单自生循环,其物化趋 势也必然会”在实践中被击败”(费舍尔,1925:192)。为了表明这一点,他提议摆脱钟摆的隐喻,转向 “树木或树枝摇摆”的“物理类比”。例如,一棵树被弯曲后,人们会观察到类似于循环的摇摆运动:但费舍 尔并不认为这种运动实际上是在树林中观察到的: “在实际经验中 [ … 树枝或树梢很少有规律地摆动,即 使是暂时的;相反,它们记录的主要是风速的变化” (Fisher,1925:192)。稳定的风以及任何“外力”7 可能会因此使树木弯曲数周并完全消除它们来回摆动的趋势,而风速或风向的变化只会改变树木与地面的角度。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Supply Lags and Market Movements

Tinbergen proposed a supply lag scheme as early as 1928 , in a paper published in $D e$ Socialistische Gids. The paper was rather long considering that the journal usually published articles of only a dozen pages, and most of it was concerned with problems of exchange related to Cournot’s theories of competition. Incidentally, Tinbergen deplored the fact that Cournot’s work had remained mostly ignored, adding that the mathematical form in which it was published (in 1838) was probably to blame for this (Tinbergen, 1928: 543). ${ }^{14}$

The last part of this paper was concerned with the problem of the temporal element in his analysis, recognizing that this influence was mostly ignored in the previous sections. Tinbergen studied a problem of fluctuations around an equilibrium and based his discussion on a mechanical analogy: solving the “dynamic problem” meant that “as in mechanical dynamics, further data is needed, data which we can denote by inertia and delay, the inertia being related to the effort, the delay to the time of displacement” (Tinbergen, 1928: 544). Tinbergen then proposed to observe the behavior of one market where supply would adjust with a lag, while “demand adapts to supply without delay” (Tinbergen, 1928: 544). Although he did not explicitly present the equations behind his scheme, he did propose a numerical example with a figure of the temporal evolution of the quantities exchanged of a good, which took the form of damped oscillations that were in fact the result of a cobweb mechanism (reproduced in Fig. 2.2).

Obviously this example showed somewhat trivial oscillations from a high point to a low point each period, the only kind allowed by a first-order difference equation. ${ }^{15}$ This did not prevent him from discussing the conclusions one could draw from such a model for the economy as a whole and the observed cycles of three to four years or the longer cycles of seven to ten years, and the problems they posed for the social welfare of workers. Tinbergen also touched upon the problem of the damping of those oscillations, in connection with similar problems in physical system, and briefly considered the case where “the deviations are getting bigger (as in cases of unstable equilibrium),” but he added that these fluctuations could occur “only occasionally” (Tinbergen, 1928: 547).

At the very end of his article, Tinbergen concluded with a reference to another work: “a very fine example of an isolated fluctuating market (with a period of 3-4 years) is that of the … pigs!” (Tinbergen, 1928: 547). He was referring here to the work of Arthur Hanau on the cycles in the pig market that had just been published in the Vierteljahreshefte zur Konjunkturforschung, the journal of the Berlin Business Cycle Institute where Hanau was working at the time. Tinbergen would refer to this work enthusiastically many times afterward; its empirical conclusions clearly showed the importance of introducing lags and considering the dynamics of supply and demand on a market, and almost sixty years later he still gave credit to Hanau for the discovery of the mechanism of the supply lag (Tinbergen et al., 1987: 120). ${ }^{16}$

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|The Shipbuilding Model and Mixed Equations

In the introduction of his 1931 paper “Ein Problem der Dynamik,” when Tinbergen distinguished several lines of research that expanded “the static theory of social economy,” he finished his review by remarking that no one had yet tried to combine time derivatives and lags into a “systematic design of the dynamic theory” (Tinbergen, 1931a: 169). A scheme was proposed in the paper but it was still floundering; nevertheless, that same year, Tinbergen proposed a straightforward combination of time derivatives and lags, through his model of the shipbuilding cycle.

The choice of shipbuilding was not anecdotal; in a paper published in De Nederlandsche Conjunctuur, the journal of the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) where he was working at the time, Tinhergen explained that “[t]he hranch of industry concerned with shipbuilding has a number of peculiarities which make a study of the relationship between the business cycle and this branch of industry of great importance, especially for shipbuilding itself and for shipping companies” (Tinbergen, 1931c: 14). Shipbuilding was one of the biggest branches of activity in the Netherlands, and Tinbergen saw at least three characteristics that made its study worthwhile: the long production process of building ships, the strong fluctuations in its activity, and the long life of its means of production. This meant that the shipbuilding industry was quite different from the agricultural markets that had spurred the cobweb models of Moore, Schultz, Ricci and Tinbergen. Clearly, trying to explain the fluctuations of a market of durable instead of perishable goods led Tinbergen to important new ideas.

The first study that he published on the question (Tinbergen, 1931c) was very empirical as he tried to determine the lifespan of ships and other characteristics of the cycle. Nevertheless, he was also clearly searching for an explanation of the cycle, for a mechanism that would explain the fluctuations he had found empirically. $\mathrm{He}$ argued that a causal mechanism existed in particular between tonnage and its own increase: “[t]here is indeed a clear interaction between tonnage and increase in tonnage, an interaction which will be referred to in the remainder of this article as the ‘own mechanism’ of the development of tonnage” (Tinbergen, 1931c: 17). But he did not try in this paper to give a more mathematical form to this finding, which he reserved for a paper written in German for the Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, the journal of the Kiel group of economists (Tinbergen 1931b, which was translated in Tinbergen 1959 from which we quote hereafter). ${ }^{24}$

Characteristically, Tinbergen started this second paper on shipbuilding with a nod to Moore and Hanau, hinting that this study was similar in character. But although it was concerned with fluctuations as well, the form he gave to his model was rather different than the simple cobweb, and most of the paper was concerned with the detailed presentation of Tinbergen’s solution of an equation of the type $\dot{f}(t)=-a f(t-\theta)$, which states that the time derivative of tonnage $\dot{f}$ is inversely proportional to the total tonnage a time $\theta$ ago (taken to be two years in his second paper). Although this is the simplest type of mixed differential-difference equations, it still poses some challenges to solve and Tinbergen’s background in theoretical physics served him well to work out an answer. Indeed this class of equations had not yet been studied extensively, and the absence of a road map to solve dynamic systems relying on them hindered the early development of macro-dynamic models, eventually leading to the abandonment of this approach in favor of simpler difference equations models in the late $1930 \mathrm{~s}$.



经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Supply Lags and Market Movements

Tinbergen 早在 1928 年就在一篇发表于丁和Socialistische Gids。考虑到该杂志通常发表的文章通常只有十几页,而且大部分都是与古诺竞争理论相关的交流问题,所以这篇论文相当长。顺便说一句,Tinbergen 对古诺的工作几乎一直被忽视这一事实感到遗憾,并补充说它出版时所用的数学形式(1838 年)可能是造成这种情况的原因(Tinbergen,1928:543)。14

本文的最后一部分在他的分析中关注时间因素的问题,认识到这种影响在前几节中大多被忽略了。丁伯根研究了围绕平衡的波动问题,并将他的讨论基于机械类比:解决“动态问题”意味着“在机械动力学中,需要更多数据,我们可以用惯性和延迟表示的数据,惯性是与努力有关,延迟与流离失所的时间有关”(Tinbergen,1928:544)。Tinbergen 随后提议观察一个市场的行为,在该市场中,供应会滞后调整,而“需求会立即适应供应”(Tinbergen,1928:544)。尽管他没有明确提出他的方案背后的方程式,


在文章的最后,Tinbergen 引用了另一篇著作作为总结:“孤立波动市场(周期为 3-4 年)的一个很好的例子是……猪!” (丁伯根,1928:547)。他在这里指的是亚瑟·哈瑙 (Arthur Hanau) 关于猪市周期的著作,该著作刚刚发表在柏林商业周期研究所 (Berlin Business Cycle Institute) 的期刊 Vierteljahreshefte zur Konjunkturforschung 上,哈瑙当时正在该研究所工作。之后丁伯根多次热情地提到这部作品;它的实证结论清楚地表明引入滞后和考虑市场供求动态的重要性,将近 60 年后,他仍然相信哈瑙发现了供应滞后机制(Tinbergen 等人,1987 年) :120)。16

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|The Shipbuilding Model and Mixed Equations

在他 1931 年的论文“Ein Problem der Dynamik”的引言中,当 Tinbergen 区分了扩展“社会经济的静态理论”的几条研究路线时,他在结束评论时说,还没有人试图将时间导数和滞后结合起来进入“动态理论的系统设计”(Tinbergen,1931a:169)。论文中提出了一个方案,但仍在挣扎;尽管如此,同年,丁伯根通过他的造船周期模型提出了时间导数和滞后的直接组合。

造船的选择不是轶事。在他当时工作的中央统计局 (CBS) 期刊 De Nederlandsche Conjunctuur 上发表的一篇论文中,Tinhergen 解释说,“与造船业有关的行业有许多特点,这使得研究商业周期与这个非常重要的行业分支之间的关系,特别是对于造船业本身和航运公司”(Tinbergen,1931c:14)。造船业是荷兰最大的活动分支之一,丁伯根至少看到了三个值得研究的特点:造船的生产过程漫长、活动波动剧烈,以及生产资料的使用寿命长. 这意味着造船业与刺激了摩尔、舒尔茨、里奇和丁伯根蜘蛛网模型的农业市场截然不同。显然,试图解释耐用品而非易腐烂商品市场的波动使丁伯根产生了重要的新想法。

他发表的关于这个问题的第一项研究(Tinbergen,1931c)非常注重经验,因为他试图确定船舶的寿命和周期的其他特征。尽管如此,他显然也在寻找周期的解释,寻找一种机制来解释他凭经验发现的波动。H和认为吨位与其自身增长之间存在因果机制:“[t]吨位与吨位增长之间确实存在明显的相互作用,本文其余部分将这种相互作用称为“自身机制” ‘吨位的发展”(Tinbergen,1931c:17)。但他并没有试图在这篇论文中对这一发现给出更多的数学形式,他将其保留在为 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 撰写的德文论文中,基尔经济学家小组的期刊(Tinbergen 1931b,翻译于 Tinbergen 1959我们在下文中引用)。24

典型地,Tinbergen 在第二篇造船论文的开头向 Moore 和 Hanau 致敬,暗示这项研究在性质上是相似的。但是,尽管它也与波动有关,但他赋予模型的形式与简单的蜘蛛网有很大不同,并且大部分论文都与丁伯根对此类方程的解的详细介绍有关F˙(吨)=−一种F(吨−一世), 表示吨位的时间导数F˙与一次总吨位成反比一世前(在他的第二篇论文中被认为是两年)。虽然这是最简单的混合微分-差分方程类型,但它仍然对求解提出了一些挑战,而丁伯根的理论物理学背景很好地帮助他找到了答案。事实上,这类方程尚未得到广泛研究,并且缺乏解决依赖于它们的动态系统的路线图阻碍了宏观动力学模型的早期发展,最终导致放弃这种方法,转而采用更简单的差分方程后期模型1930 秒.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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